Free yourself from self-demand

    There is a fine line between leisure and work, between mission and obligation, between purpose and getting lost along the way. And what makes the difference is the self-imposed charge. When we put the ingredient of worry in our activities, mixing it with obligation and self-demand, everything can lose its taste. It's the same as over-salting a food. Don't make the activity you love the most an obligation. If you put a lot of self-charge on what you like to do and want to do, the flavor can change.

    Beware: a hobby can become a burden, a leisure can become a commitment, a purpose can become a burden. Who never charged themselves too much with their favorite physical activity? Or who has never, on a trip, felt the urge to enjoy every minute and do millions of tours in a single day? When self-demand arises, even pleasurable activities lose their luster.

    Do things as far as possible, to the extent that the charge imposed by yourself does not take away its flavor. Allow yourself not to do when you're not ready. Allow yourself to listen to yourself, respect yourself, embrace yourself.

    Free yourself from self-demand
    AnaBGD / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Let go of what you think others will think if you don't. Understand: at the end of the day it's you with you. If you can't do it today, ok, relax, rest, recharge and when you can, do it. That simple.

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    Oh, and remember to do it without charging perfection. Forget that perfectionist quality if you have it. Yes, it's great for you to do your best, but don't push yourself to the point of harming your physical, mental, or spiritual health. Do not stretch the elastic to its maximum, because when it is at its maximum, it is no longer flexible. Relax, release, surrender. And always remember to say thank you. Rest assured that if you allow yourself not to charge yourself so much, everything will be better. Your mission, your purpose, your life!

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