Foods that increase immunity in pregnant women

Keeping health up to date is necessary and essential at all times of our life, but during the gestation period this concern must be redoubled. After all, there are two or more people who need this care. One of the main questions that must be addressed at this stage concerns immunity. This is because pregnant women cannot take any type of medicine. And it's better to be safe than sorry, isn't it?

In addition, during pregnancy, there is a reduction in women's immunity, caused by hormonal factors. Antibodies created by this immune system help protect the fetus for the first six months of life. In addition to food, it is also essential to keep up with sleep, watch out for changes in emotion and keep an eye on genetics.

Here are some elements that help to increase the immunity of pregnant women:

Foods that increase immunity in pregnant women

Onion: most people don't like this food very much. However, it has a substance that increases immunity and quercetin, thus protecting the pregnant woman against allergic and viral diseases.

Natural type yogurt: Probiotics, which are part of the composition of this food, help to keep the intestine healthy, to restore the so-called beneficial bacteria of our intestinal flora and in the absorption of micronutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, which strengthen the pregnant woman's immunity system.

Shiitake Mushroom: the production of lymphocytes and macrofires, cells that help in the defense of the human organism, occurs in greater quantity thanks to this food, thus providing an increase in immunity.

Foods rich in vitamin C: this type of food, like lemon, kiwi, acerola and orange, is rich in vitamin C, a substance that increases the amount of defense cells in the body, acting directly on viruses and bacteria, helping with colds and flu and preventing infections.

Brazil Nuts: selenium, present in this food, is a powerful antioxidant. This means that it neutralizes all the free radicals that are present in our body.

Dark green vegetables: foods with this type of color, such as cabbage, watercress, broccoli leaf, chicory and spinach, have vitamins A, B12 and B6 and also folic acid, substances that help in the process of maintaining the immunity cells of pregnant women .

Yacon potato: In addition to providing an increase in immunity, this type of potato helps the intestines to maintain proper functioning, preventing type II diabetes and maintaining the immune system.

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, immunity of pregnant women can also be acquired through the application of vaccines. The main ones, which every pregnant woman should take, are against Influenza, H1N1 flu, Hepatitis B and Tetanus.

Text written by Flรกvia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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