Follow these five rules and find the perfect person for you

    Every day, millions of women and men around the world dream of one day finding that special someone. Someone who will support you, love you, understand you and most importantly, who will be able to bring to life that vitality you may never have experienced before. That person who will make it all worthwhile. The road to that long-awaited meeting can be tiring and long, and at times, this journey can be lonely and desperate. But there is no reason to panic, everything happens when it has to.

    The special person in your life may be closer than you think. Here are five simple rules that will help you open your heart so that you can attract and find the perfect person for you quickly.

    Rule Number 1: Stop Looking

    This may seem like a counterintuitive tip, but it's important that you stop desperately looking for that special someone. Things will happen when they have to happen. The most special people in our lives enter it when we least expect it, this is the natural way of things.

    If you start to focus too much on finding someone to be with you, you can probably end up choosing someone who isn't good enough for your life, causing unnecessary frustration and pain. Cancel the search, but keep yourself open to new opportunities and possibilities, especially meeting someone at any time.

    Rule Number 2: Focus more on you

    After following the initial rule, the best thing you can do is focus more on you. Transform yourself from the inside out. There are some benefits to this little habit, for example: when you become more confident and happy, others will be attracted to you; loneliness and feeling of lack will be kept out if you keep thinking about improving yourself and staying productive and when you finally find the right path you will become the best version of yourself.

    Discover the things that make you happy, follow your passions. This could mean opening your own business, changing your career, working on your personal fitness and health, traveling, seeing new places, committing to something that was previously just a hobby, etc.

    Follow these five rules and find the perfect person for you

    Rule Number 3: Complement is the keyword

    Once you've become independent and more up-to-date, you no longer feel that need that you need a partner to be complete or whole. Complement is the keyword. Look for someone who complements you and who you can do the same for. You must not allow your peace, happiness or joy to depend solely on your partner. Aside from being unhealthy, this is an obvious recipe for failure in any relationship.

    Rule Number 4: Interact

    When you finally get where you want to be, don't forget to interact. While this sounds a bit cliché, there is good reason to believe that this habit actually works. If you're familiar with the six degrees of separation theory, you'll finally understand why. This is an interesting theory to say the least, which says that we are never more than six feet away from someone. Therefore, your perfect match, your half of the orange, your soul mate can easily be six steps away from you, and a friend or acquaintance can be the means to reach him.

    To get there you have to meet people, attend festivals, meet friends, go to different events and mingle with others around you rather than just hanging out with people you know. The point of meeting new and interesting people is always interacting. Even if that special person doesn't appear in your life right away, you will definitely make a lot of new friends in the process.

    Rule Number 5: Dare, but never forget to listen to your instincts

    Despite being in search of your partner, you should not think that the ideal person for you will appear as in a fairy tale, directly in your lap. You will need to listen to your intuition and know when to follow your instincts. If you meet someone with whom you have a deep affinity, don't let them out of your life.

    You are the only person responsible for your destiny, and a big change can be caused by the smallest of actions if, of course, it is applied in the right way and at the right time.

    Trust your instincts. If you're at a mall and feel an inexplicable attraction to a stranger, don't be afraid to introduce yourself. Good things can happen from a chance meeting.

    Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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