Colors in the Environment

    Colors are very important in human life. Each color is a different visual stimulus that brings specific sensations, helping each being in the process of feeling. Sensory perception will be stimulated in the presence of different colors. Of course, a harmonious context is necessary to combine in spaces and create a balanced and color-activated decoration, but not all colors are necessary and more suitable to be used in certain places. The colors serve to harmonize environments, stimulate sensations and create emotional effects, helping in local balance.

    An environment without color, that is, used in its entirety the same color, ends up presenting an opacity and a devitalization. Colors create more energy in environments. It is a way to activate residential and commercial environments. The colors, used correctly, form a great energetic environment to assist in the function that each space has. The choice of colors can vary a lot, as it depends on the type of objective that each person has with their environment, as well as it is totally dependent on the vital functions, whether it is a residence or business and company. The choices are made according to the functionality of each environment, in order to generate harmony, lightness and activation.

    Coloring your environments is bringing creativity, lightness and essence. The colors bring a beautiful appearance. Most importantly, however, they amplify the essence of the place. Environments are living energy and need to be cared for, treated and restored according to the goals to generate true balance. Harmonizing environments and balancing places vitalizing their purposes is essential. Just like you, each environment has a schedule.

    Colors in the Environment
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    This purpose is linked to the role he plays in the world. If it is a residence, it has the main function of welcoming, security and tranquility. Whether it's a company or commerce, it depends a lot on the activities carried out in the place, but it's a job, an activity, something to help solve situations in people's lives, a profession exercised out of love, a true life mission.

    Colors say a lot about you. The colors also express about your moment. Maybe you have colors that you like, but for some reason you are connected with other colors at this point. In this case, it is important to check why these colors are catching your attention. It is necessary to realize if you are in balance, in fact, with your emotions. Through the emotional and energetic system, some colors may be predominant in our chakras, and others may be weakened.

    So we make choices according to the moment. This I do not recommend. I seek that choices are made through the connection between its essence and the colors with which it has greater affinity. In this specific situation, the therapy called Systemic Chromotherapy can help to rebalance all the colors in your energy chakras and you can choose the colors of your environment in a harmonic, loving, functional and intuitive way.

    • How to use color to improve every aspect of your life
    • See more about colors that help
    • Discover the hidden meanings of colors
    • Explore feng shui principles when choosing clothing colors
    • Discover how chromotherapy promotes balance in your life

    Colors are vitalities in the environment. Stronger colors activate vital energy in a more intense way. The softer colors activate energy using subtlety, and therefore calm, relax and bring the meaning of inner purity. Warm colors bring a feeling of euphoria, enthusiasm, excitement and lots of activity. It is necessary to connect colors to your space.

    Love & Light!


    Fraternal hug!

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