Five ways that show how psychopaths manipulate people

    Some relationships start the way we dream, but they don't end the same way. Some people reveal themselves a little as they really are. And we can often be very surprised with who we are living with. This is what happens to people who live with psychopaths.

    A psychopath is someone who has a personality with traits of antisocial behavior. This person may act without showing empathy or remorse for others. And in many cases, he has an ability to manipulate people and get what he wants at any cost. Not even if you have to use violence.

    If you suspect someone in your social circle is a psychopath, there are ways to prevent them from manipulating you. Meet some of them.

    Five ways that show how psychopaths manipulate people

    verbal aggression

    A psychopath may have a habit of verbally assaulting others when confronted. On some occasions when he doesn't get what he wants, he tries to put people down through insult. He will try to find some fault or mistake in others to attack and curse without remorse or concern for the feelings of the target. At these times, try to remain calm. If you get into his game and punch him back, it might be just what he wants to put you down in front of others. A well-spoken and calm argument can dismantle any attempt by him to manipulate everyone involved.


    They have no compunction about telling lies, as long as it benefits them. If you know someone who lies way above average in order to make it somehow, beware! You may be dealing with a psychopath. The tip here is to work your confidence into real arguments. If he tells you something you know to be a lie, don't waver or doubt the facts. Psychopaths can be good arguers, but if you know the truth and facts, they can't convince you otherwise.

    Attack on your self-esteem

    If someone often tries to destroy their self-esteem, they may be a psychopath. Because when you have low self-esteem, you are much more vulnerable to being manipulated by others. And that is exactly the point at which the person wants to get to. Reflect if you've ever done something or changed a decision in a moment of low self-esteem to please someone. If you suspect someone is doing this to you, confront the person. Don't let her bring you down and make it clear the boundaries she shouldn't cross with you.

    They make you think you're crazy

    Psychopaths have a tendency to play with people's sanity. One of the forms of manipulation they use is to make up stories or distort reality so you start to question yourself, about whether what you did or saw was really real. In such cases, doubt takes over your mind and you will be vulnerable to being manipulated. To defend yourself from this type of manipulation, exercise your confidence and the security you have in what you do. If you're sure about something you've done, don't let someone else say they know more than you do. Fight the doubt. Don't give in.

    play the victim

    If all else fails, the psychopath may try to play the victim so that others feel sorry for him and do what he wants. Don't believe him. If you suspect that the person is doing this on purpose to get what they want, make it very clear that you won't do anything out of pity or pity. Be firm and you will see how his mask can come off sooner or later.

    These are the most common manipulation situations that can happen. But in some more serious cases, psychopaths can even harm and harm innocent people. If you go through an extreme case like this, seek the legal authorities and the help of professionals such as psychologists or psychiatrists to help you deal with the case. In situations where control is lost, all help should be asked.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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