Oriental life advice

Eastern culture and religions are full of wisdom that we, here in the West, are still unable to apply in life in a practical way. This shows us how much we can still learn from these cultures to make our lives more and more harmonious and balanced. Check out seven oriental tips that can make a difference in your daily life:

Mental world – Everything is connected

Western scientists are discovering with quantum physics what
Easterners have been talking for centuries: that consciousness, mind and matter are all connected and form part of a great whole. This means that our mind and body are one and one influences the other directly. And at a level of understanding that goes even further, everything in the universe is interconnected.

In other words: your mind has the power to create and influence everything that is part of your reality, including everyone around you. Some self-help books call this mind power, but for some Eastern cultures this has been a common concept for centuries. So, here the advice is for you to observe your thoughts well and notice how they directly affect your reality. Learn to control your mind, and your life will change for the better.


There are several techniques and methods of meditation spread across the East. Whether it's finding inner peace, bringing the mind to focus on the present, or learning to control thoughts, meditation is a healthy practice that can help everyone live a healthier, more well-lived life. Find a type of meditation that suits you and try this oriental practice that makes a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world.


Especially in the practice of yoga, breathing has an essential importance in people's well-being. Here in the West, we are not in the habit of paying attention to our breath and we end up breathing mechanically and unconsciously. But in the East, breathing is a practice that, when done with awareness and control, directly affects physical health. Find out more about breathing practices in yoga and see how they can help you live a healthier life.

Oriental life adviceYoga

The practice of yoga is one of the most effective in combating everyday stress. More and more Westerners adhere to this practice because they feel the difference it makes, both in physical health and in mental and spiritual health. The advice here is to look for yoga centers or qualified teachers to take a test class and feel how Orientals find peace by engaging in these practices and lifestyle. Yoga is not just limited to physical exercises and breathing techniques, but it also has a whole philosophy and ideals that can help you face life in a much more positive and balanced way.


Especially in India, massage is very important in their culture. In addition to the benefits of the physical body, it is also a way of transmitting energy between those involved and, if done with awareness and intention, can totally change a person's state of mind. Try different types of massages, either to receive, or also to try to apply to other people.

natural food

In the East, the main cooking ingredients are natural and all have some health benefit. Follow the example of the Orientals and use more natural ingredients in your dishes and less industrialized products full of preservatives. Give value to what comes from nature and see how your health will respond positively to your new eating habits.


Some Eastern religions and beliefs hold that there is an afterlife and reincarnation on Earth. The advice here is for you to reflect on it and see how the belief in reincarnation can change the way you look at life. Many harmful habits can be changed simply by believing such a belief. Reflect on this subject and see how your life can gain a much more spiritual stance from now on. Namaste!

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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