Find out what to do when discouragement knocks on your door

When discouragement knocks at the door, listen, peer into the peephole, brace yourself, and open the door carefully. Yes, open the door and face him head on. Notice what brought it to you. What were your causes? Because, believe me, he's not knocking on your door for nothing. He may have come because of some "no" you may have received, because of frustrating situations, some feeling of rejection or powerlessness.

Find out what to do when discouragement knocks on your door

We often don't realize that all our attitudes can positively or negatively influence other people, and vice versa, others can also influence us. The point is to be aware of this and be in charge of our emotions and thoughts. In command of our self-love, so that, when negative influences arise, we are not affected or at least, the pain can be alleviated.

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Discouragement can also appear, when we let adverse situations stand out and smother our faith and hope. It's not a matter of being overly optimistic, but a dose of faith in the best results should always accompany us. Believing in the existence of a solution, in healing, in happiness is what can move us. It is what will keep the light of conscience burning that will tell you every day: β€œgo and do, go and believe, go and wait”.

And that's why I always say: I prefer to look at the glass as half full, rather than half empty. In every situation there are several aspects, the positive, negative and, perhaps, so many others, that our perception, often fixed on the problem, does not even reach.

It is important to broaden our vision, our perception. We look at the negative aspects without increasing them and realize the good side of life that is always present.

Find out what to do when discouragement knocks on your door

Anyway, face the discouragement, understand what brought it to you and thank you for your visit. Tell him that you cannot remain with him now, as he is busy with his self-love, involved in solving his problems, and completely absorbed in faith and hope.

Rest assured that for a long time he will not risk knocking on your door again.

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