Find out how to get rid of dust mites in your home

    It is not possible to see mites with the naked eye, only with the aid of a microscope, as they are extremely small organisms, which can cause major health disorders. People who suffer from some type of respiratory allergy suffer even more. And that's why we need to worry about the correct hygiene of the places that can accumulate mites.

    Among the millions of species, sizes vary between 0,5 and 2 centimeters, like ticks. Usually they inhabit the interior of carpet fibers, bedding, pillow, mattress and etc.

    Find out how to get rid of dust mites in your home

    To help avoid this problem in your home, we've separated some tips:

    • It is recommended to use an anti-mite cover on the pillows. Washing is not the best option, as the pillow is usually damp, providing a great environment for the mites and therefore, it is ideal to change it every two years, because during this period a third of its weight is formed by mites.  
    • Mattresses should also be covered with dust mite covers. Another strategy is to change the quilt that covers the bed during the day for a new one. It is important to change bedding every week.
    • If possible, retire the carpet, as it accumulates more dirt compared to ordinary flooring.
    • Curtains also deserve special care and should be washed once a week.
    • Stuffed animals should also be sanitized constantly.
    • During the day, leave the windows open so that air can circulate.
    • If your house or car has air conditioning, change the filter regularly.
    • Pets must be bathed once a week. In addition, when they return from the street, their paws need to be cleaned with water and neutral soap or antibacterial soaps or wet wipes can be used to remove the accumulated dirt.

    Homemade solution to eliminate up to 87% of the mite:

    • Mix 200 ml of white wine vinegar in 4 liters of water
    • It should be applied with a brush or cloth on curtains, sofas, carpets, etc.

    Text written by Natรกlia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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