Finally, I quarantined…

    And what a crazy thing to turn 40... When I was 20, that age didn't even cross my mind, it was an “old” thing, at 30 I thought it would be bad, depressive, total old age. Today when I look back, I see how much I've evolved, improved, and I can say that 40 is an incredible age.

    Yeah, you might be thinking… “Are you kidding?!” But no, it's amazing, yes!

    I got rid of the shackles that held me to concepts, I stopped being guided by the opinion of others, I no longer care what they think of me, my body is mine and mine alone, and I take care of it for myself, I take care of myself. That's right! I still do (or try to do) diets, but the reality is that it is more out of habit than aesthetics, more to be able to exchange stickers with the “migas” than to have a slender body. More for health than to get into those number 36 pants from 15 years ago.

    Now I value my sanity, so I look for my peace at all times and places, you know that "let's avoid fatigue", more or less that, but it's mental fatigue, unnecessary stress - and this unnecessary takes another dimension, that affects a lot, almost everything in fact. Few things really deserve such deep attention that it can take away my peace. Because today I care for my heart too, and if my mind gets stressed, there goes my heart in the same ambush.

    Finally, I quarantined…
    amyjoyalvarado / Reshot

    And the opposite also happens, my heart is now a home of good feelings, an abode of faith, of love, of peace, and only those who present an impeccable CV come in here, and that goes for people, feelings and everything else that do not affect my heart and my mind.

    At 40 we forgive more, we reveal more, we care more about less, it's a bit crazy business, it seems that you become someone else, and maybe that's right.

    We find ourselves with our true essence and become who we should always be. And that feeling brings a lot of freedom, to be, to be, to live, and it's hard to explain.

    • Recognize that growing old is a true privilege
    • Exercise at all stages of life
    • Mental age vs physical age: is there a difference?
    • Fight ageism, prejudice against aging
    • Self-knowledge as a path to the fulfillment of women in old age

    All this freedom comes with time, okay? So don't stress if you haven't arrived yet. With me it was only 40, maybe for you it came at 22 or 56, everyone has their time. You may be “fortying” at 60. And that's okay.

    Before I thought that time was an enemy, today I see that it is my best friend, because I chose it that way. I chose to take each day at a time, fit each problem into a solution, and try not to blame myself or regret anything, because that's all that made me this forty-year-old girl-woman, who, despite starting the age of the wolf now , has been able to live this whole process for some time. But now I can enjoy a time of freedom, of lightness, of being who I want to be.

    It's funny that we often regret not having the experience at 20, the knowledge that we have at 40, but I've always believed that life doesn't make a "no-knot", that everything is perfectly fitted together to function in a balanced way, and today, at 40, I'm sure. Nothing in the Universe is by chance, nothing in Divine creation is without a reason. And if I'm part of it, if our life goes on like that, it's justified in experience, in learning, in evolution. That has nothing to do with age but with spiritual, mental and emotional growth. But in my case, time and age really came with it.

    Finally, I quarantined…
    stephzembal / Reshot

    Crisis of the 40, what a thing! Crisis I had at 20 for not knowing anything. Today I feel on the right path, on the right path, and free to come and go, to be or not to be, to do everything or let it all go. Because no matter what I choose, the important thing is that I'm living my way and being happy.

    Ah, if you are 20, 25, 30 or 35 years old and you are reading this text, believe me, the best is yet to come, in fact I am looking forward to seeing what life has in store for me at 50, and when I get there I promise that I tell you!

    And long live the forty!

    Always the best.

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