Fibromyalgia – the pain of the soul

The pain is not in your head, you are not creating it, you are not sustaining it, or rather feeding it.
For medicine, fibromyalgia does not have a specific cause. There are several emotional and physical factors that cause pain. As there are no tests to detect the disease, its diagnosis is all clinical. We have some trigger points in our body that react to pressure and hurt a lot. The doctor who knows these points can give the diagnosis.

Fibromyalgia – the pain of the soul
Unsplash/Žygymantas Dukauskas

Your body reacts differently to emotions, some have gastric and intestinal problems, migraines and others have generalized pain. These emotions are related to our feelings, such as: fear, sadness, guilt, anger, frustrations, among others.

Fibromyalgia, while as real as the nose on your face, is created and sustained by your nervous system and the brain's misguided protective mechanisms in response to the perceived danger of suppressed emotions, emotions that most people don't understand exactly why. exist.

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Fibromyalgia causes widespread pain throughout the body and can be associated with other pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, musculoskeletal diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, among others.

The treatment consists of leading a lighter life, with physical exercises, walks, meditation. Through these activities your body releases endorphins, the hormone of happiness and pleasure, relieving the symptoms of pain and helping you to have a more restful sleep.

Think of you! Stop wanting to live the lives of others, as it is very common for them to stop living their lives to live the life of a relative, family member or friend. Thus, your attitude towards life will be one of self-annulment.

The drugs used are for depression, anxiety, painkillers, muscle relaxants, among others, depending on the factor that triggers the crisis. Through a thorough interview your doctor will be able to indicate the best medication for your case.

Fibromyalgia – the pain of the soul
Pexels / cottonbro

Seek guidance from your doctor, but also the help of psychotherapy and alternative medicines such as Acupuncture, Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy and Massages. These therapies are part of Naturopathy, a therapeutic method that aims to strengthen the body's defenses by means considered natural.

Don't carry more than your body can handle in terms of emotions and responsibilities. Everyone is responsible for their actions, don't want to answer for other people's actions.

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