Day 4 – Change your life in 21 days: Problems, causes and cures

HEADS UP: This text is part of a 21 Day Cycle physical, mental and spiritual healing process. For greater understanding, we advise you to start the cycle from the He is Zero. At the end of each article you will find links to all the days.

Hello beloved. I scheduled for today to report how I cured myself the first time in 2009 of a serious illness caused by emotional problems and a high level of stress. But I thought and thought and thought... (laughs), and I've already written quite a bit of my story on Day Zero of this cycle. In the Day Zero text, I also related the details of how I got sick at the time and the healing techniques I used until I totally freed myself, were in my book SENSITIVES (Cultrix-2009). Well, as I would still like to explain in this cycle how diseases arise and how we can heal ourselves and also, to arouse your curiosity to read my book SENSITIVES (laughs), I chose to post the text below by Louise Hay who helped me a lot in time when I got sick. In addition to her explaining how this happens, like me, she became seriously ill and from the techniques she already knew and used in her patients, she managed to heal. Very similar with my process and my story.

At the end of this page under “tasks for the day” I will leave a link on how you can download Louise Hay's book for free, which helped me a lot at the time. Below I leave an excerpt from the book and her life story in "How to heal your life". This text will be with many parts in bold, because I want to draw your attention to facts that she passed that are practically the same as I went through in 2009. Let's observe the text:

Louise hay

“I want to explain to you one of the reasons that let me know that diseases can be overcome with the simple change of mental patterns.

Years ago I received a diagnosis of vaginal cancer. Given my past, which included a rape at the age of five and a childhood filled with abuse, it was no surprise that I manifested the terrible disease in this part of my body.

Having been a mental healing instructor for several years, I became aware that I was being given the opportunity to practice and prove the truth of my teachings. Like anyone who learns they have cancer, at first I was in absolute panic, but that was soon replaced by the conviction that the mental healing process worked. Aware that cancer is caused by a deep resentment, held for a long time until it practically starts eating the body, I knew I had a lot of mental work ahead of me. I realized that if I had an operation to get rid of the disease without eliminating the mental pattern that was causing it, the cancer would come back. When this or any other disease reappears, it is not because the doctors did not “take it all away”, but because the patient has not changed his way of thinking and continues to recreate the same evil. I also knew that if I could completely eliminate the mental model that created the condition called “cancer,” I wouldn't even need professional help. So I bargained longer. My doctor grudgingly gave me three months, making it very clear that I was putting my life in danger for the delay.

I immediately began working with my instructor to eliminate old patterns of resentment. Until that time I didn't know that I harbored a deep grudge inside me. How blind we are to our mental models! It would take a long exercise in forgiveness.

Another thing I did was consult a nutritionist to completely detoxify my body.

So, taking care of the mental and physical cleaning, in six months I was able to show the doctors what I already knew: I no longer had any type of cancer. I still keep the results of the first tests, which were positive, to remind me how negatively creative I could be.

Today, when a client comes to me, no matter how terrible their ailments may be, I know that if they are willing to do the mental work of changing old patterns and forgiving, virtually any ailment can be cured. The word “incurable”, so frightening to many, actually just means that a certain disease cannot be cured by “external” methods and that we need to go within to effect the cure. The abnormal “condition” that apparently came from nothing will return to nothing.”

– Louise L. Hay

Thirty years ago, when Louise Hay watched how people allowed illness and painful circumstances to control their lives, she promised herself to help them see that the root of their pain sprang from their own negative thoughts. So she sat down and described in a little blue notebook how our mental patterns and beliefs had the power to contribute to disease in our bodies. This notebook became the title book of this article, it was published in 1984, translated into 29 languages ​​and has sold over 35 million copies worldwide. Her simple message is: “The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell in our body responds to every thought we think and every word we speak.”

Well, I transcribe here, as presented by Louise, only some of the problems (mostly female), the probable cause and the new pattern of thinking to be worked on daily, “n” times/day. The complete list of all diseases can be found on page 59 of the book, according to Step 2 of “Today's Tasks”.

Problem1. Probable Cause
2. New Thought Pattern

1. Fear. Fear of the future. “Not now… later.” Wrong time.

2. Right Divine Action is always happening in my life. I accept myself as I am, I like myself.
Appetite1. Fear. Fear of the future. “Not now… later.” Wrong time.

2. I am protected. It's safe to feel. My feelings are normal and acceptable.
Bladder and Cystitis1. Anxiety. Link to old ideas. Fear of letting go of old conditionings.

2. Easily and quietly, I get rid of the old and welcome the new. I'm safe.
Diabetes1. Grief over things that could have happened. Great need to exercise control. Deep hurt. Difficulty dealing with the sweetness of life.

2. This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.
Migraine1. Hates being directed. Resists the flow of life. Sexual fears. Usually relieved by menstruation.

2. I relax into the flow of life and, in an attitude of quiet comfort, let him provide everything I need. Life supports me.
female, syndromes1. Self-denial. Rejection of femininity, of the feminine essence.

2. I rejoice in my femininity. I like being a woman. I like my body.
Insomnia1. Fear. Don't trust the process of life. Fault.

2. Quietly I disconnect from the day and give myself to a peaceful sleep knowing that tomorrow will follow its natural course.
Bowels1. Assimilation. Absorption. Easy elimination.

2. I assimilate and absorb everything I need to know and release the past with joy.
Menstruation Disorders1. Rejection of femininity. Guilt, fear. Believes that the genitals are dirty or sinful.

2. I accept my feminine power and all my bodily reactions because they are normal and natural. I like myself and being who I am.
Obesity1. Fear, need for protection. Escape from feelings. Insecurity. Self rejection.

2. I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe in my place: my body. I create my own security. I love myself and I like the way I am.
ovaries1. Represent the points of creativity.

2. My creativity flows easily.
Uterus1. It represents the ADDRESS of creativity.

2. I am perfectly comfortable with my female body.
vulva1. Represents the vulnerability.

2. It's safe to be vulnerable.
Fluid retention1. What am I afraid of losing?

2. I let go of things.
Muscular stiffness1. Rigid thoughts, controls.

2. It's good to be flexible about ideas. it's good to be light
Anemia1. Lack of joy. Fear of life. It doesn't feel good enough.

2. New ideas, filled with joy, flow freely through my body. It is safe to find joy in everything in life. I love living and being here on Earth.
Clots1. Don't allow yourself to have joy. Lack of circulation of ideas. Alienation.

2.New ideas full of joy flow freely through my body, awakening new life within me. It's extremely easy for me to flow with her.
Breasts1. They represent motherhood and physical and spiritual nourishment.

2. I give and receive food in a balanced way.
Hypothyroidism1. Willingness to give up everything. You feel hopelessly suffocated.

2. I will start a new life with new ideals. A life that fully satisfies me.
Hyperthyroidism1. Anger at being left out.

2. I am the center of my life. I am satisfied with myself and with everything I see.

3rd day tasks

Today, just for Today I promise to fulfill all the tasks of this day:

1st STEP

Commit yourself that during this 21 day cycle, you will read the entire book which is in PDF at the link below, by Louise Hay, which is short, to the point and will help a lot. Later you will be able to read other books by the author, which are also available for free on the net. Today's task is to access the link and save the book in PDF on your computer or cell phone, to read a little each day. Force yourself to read at least the few lines of Introduction today:

(If this link stops working, just type in the search engines the title: “You can heal your life” – Louise Hay and you will see several pages with the PDF of this and other titles by the author.)

Day 4 – Change your life in 21 days: Problems, causes and cures
Norbert Kundrak | Unsplash

2st STEP

Beta Level Mental Reprogramming: Today, as a beta-level mental reprogramming, force yourself to read the complete list of diseases, causes, and cures that begins right at chapter 15 “The List” (page 59) of the book you already saved in step 1.

3st STEP

Alpha Level Mental Reprogramming: We continue with Ho'oponopono, however, the link below is because, in my opinion, it is the best available on the net. However, starting today, you will be able to search for other meditations or locutions available in audios or videos. Just type in the search engines: “ho'oponopono”, or “ho'oponopono meditation”, in short… you will find a lot of material to vary, if you wish.

Attention to Raquel Koury's medical shift and diary at the end of every page of the cycle:

The doctor ordered:

1) Drink at least 2 liters of water.
2) Make your walk at least 30 minutes.
3) Caprichar in your diet, whether for physical improvement or weight loss. (Remember to eat something every 3 hours).
4) Remember the times you drank and “put your foot in the jackfruit?” Don't drink alcohol just for today.
5) Are you smoker? So, start today at least to mature the idea of ​​quitting smoking. In the coming days, we will post tips and techniques that will help you in the process of quitting smoking.

You might also like:

  • Discover the benefits of Transpersonal Therapy
  • Constellations X Zeno Effect
  • Ho'oponopono Cure Technique

My diary:


Big kiss and CDS!…. Raquel Koury

I invite everyone to leave their comments and experiences in the field below: “comments”. This encourages each other, since I can't respond to every comment, we practice self-help here. Help me to resolve any doubts in this field, as some have difficulties in understanding some things. After all, we are here to learn and teach through our experiences: “WE ARE ALL ONE”.

“Help others and you will be helping yourself. Because Your Healing Is My Healing”

“Have you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. If you are not following, or if you still want to refer someone, start with day “zero” by clicking on the images below!”

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