Feminine Spirituality – Finding the Goddess in You

“The path to the Goddess is within you, that's where she resides, even if you forgot to look for it. Search your core and you will always find it.” “The Goddess Path” (Patricia Monagahn)

The feminine spirituality movement is also called the “return to the Goddess”. Who is the Goddess that resides in each woman?

Feminine Spirituality – Finding the Goddess in You
Pixabay/Enrique Meseguer

In the book “The Mysteries of Woman”, the author, Esther Harding, defines the Goddesses as “principles and psychological forces intrinsic to the human being, which on the outside, when projected, were personified in the archetypes “feminine mysteries”, being represented as Goddesses and heroines. .

Knowledge of Myths of the Goddesses provides a way to explore self-knowledge and better understand your interaction with the world. By discovering the personal myth, it is possible to identify what conflicts exist and to develop an understanding of the story itself.

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Women who are disconnected from their inner Goddess tend to feel out of place, have low self-esteem, and struggle in their relationships.

Feminine spirituality is a path to the expansion of consciousness, which provides new ways of accepting challenges, rescuing ancestral wisdom, recovering ancient natural healing practices.

There is not only one way to find the Goddess within, for she is free from dogmas and religions. What is valued on the Goddess path is for each woman to recognize her own potential, becoming more assertive and secure.

Below I will leave a myth so that you, woman, can reflect and find this Goddess in you.

Eostre – Goddess of growth

Eostre is a Germanic goddess of fertility, agriculture and spring. Once when this goddess was taking a long time to arrive, a girl found an injured little bird about to freeze to death; desperate, she asked the goddess Eostre for help.

Eostre emerged from a rainbow with her beautiful dress vibrant, like sunlight and melting all the snow, so spring came to bloom the fields; as the little bird was very injured, the goddess turned him into a hare that laid rainbow eggs and taught the girl to observe him as a sign of spring.

Feminine Spirituality – Finding the Goddess in You
Tony Grist

In our life we ​​can be the girl who has a wounded part in her, and without knowing how to act and resolve the issue, she asks for help from her inner goddess.

Eostre teaches us to open up to the new and allow us to reframe apparent losses as a process of evolution and growth. If you have been going through a period of stagnation, the time has come to react, it is time to grow, nurture new experiences and take new risks.

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