Female masturbation: it's time to break this taboo

Pleasure is a short word, strong and subject to countless interpretations. Its dictionary meaning is simply “a feeling of well-being”. Biologically, pleasure is a response of the organism or mind and indicates that our actions are being beneficial to our health. All this to say that, yes, woman, you have more than the right to feel pleasure, because that means quality of life. Therefore, it is time for our society to put aside taboos when it comes to masturbation, especially with regard to female masturbation.

The taboo on this natural process of women's self-knowledge and pleasure has several roots. It begins anciently, at the beginning of the Common Era, when woman and sexuality were given the title of sin and sex was placed as an act aimed only at the survival of the human species. Since our first centuries of history, much has developed in medicine, including the very notion of the relationship between sexuality and health, reinforced by studies of the psyche. However, when we look at the female universe, there is still a certain degree of complexity.

It begins with the lack of knowledge about the woman's body, in this case, the clitoris, an organic bridge to female pleasure and which is even the target of mutilations, as the historian Palmira Margarida explains in her article “Moça, seu clitoris é Poder!”. This is due to old inadequate conclusions that pointed out that it had no use in the body.

In the West, the practice dropped around 1920, which, however, does not mean that it stopped entirely. Sudan, for example, passed a law banning this practice on April 22. These data show that the female pleasure walk is a recent cause and is pulsing in our society.

Female masturbation: it's time to break this taboo
Copyright : liwei12

Sexuality and the Sacred

Historically, there are records of masturbation in virtually all pre-Christian civilizations. In 2010, for example, the magazine “Arqueologia Mexicana” published a series of essays on the sexual customs of pre-Columbian civilizations, which point out how sexuality was related to the fertility beliefs of the land. Masturbation itself was one of these tools, even used in collective rituals – another paradigm almost strange compared to the excess of taboos that society later came to create.

The vision of sacred sexuality contained in millenary knowledge, such as tantra or matrilineal culture itself, is of great help to calm the minds of contemporary women. The female womb corresponds to the womb of Mother Earth and her reproductive capacity is sacred like all other forms of manifestation of creation.

In this sense, love and sexuality are not divided, as they are part of the same dance. Other than that, the balance of sexual energy is paramount for the expansion of consciousness, allowing the vital energy of the human being (which can be seen as the libido itself) to flow through the chakras and meridians of the body. This is an integrative vision, which we do not have much contact with in Western culture, but which has millenary records of Vedic and Chinese medicine.

When nature and all the beings that are part of it are seen in a sacred way, none of our characteristics are placed in the shadows. The human being embodies a full body, receives this temple as a gift to live the experience on Earth and all its parts are vital for health, well-being and the expansion of consciousness.

Female masturbation: it's time to break this taboo
Copyright : Marina Demkina

female masturbation

How to start this relationship of naturalness with masturbation? First, respecting your emotional. It's okay if taboos still have a strong influence on your life: all women have gone through it and still go through it in some way. If necessary, seek therapeutic help to understand yourself in the midst of these beliefs that have come to you. It is important to understand how pleasure is linked to personal power: orgasm is good for health, releases hormones of well-being, happiness and confidence, relieves stress, headaches and even muscle tensions. An important next step is to get to know your body. Use a mirror to get to know your genitals, touch it, get to know every detail. This is pure self-care.

Now, with everything out in the open, simply feel your own touch. Understand how you like to be touched, at what level of pressure, speed, humidity, in short, allow yourself. It is worth using your fingers, accessories, putting on music, dancing, in short, discover how to be attracted to yourself so that this practice becomes natural and, in fact, pleasurable. The clitoris is the organ of pleasure, so experience and understand your own strength in practice.

From there, you can test self-penetration (with your fingers or with accessories) to understand how this movement best suits your body's reflexes.

In the sex shop market, there are several accessories that help this self-discovery. The stores have different types of masturbators, vibrators of many shapes (bunny, petals, bullets), lubricating gels that heat and cool, among other games. Experience is the key to understanding what works and what doesn't - and practice makes perfect. The more orgasms you have, the better the orgasms get.

Female masturbation: it's time to break this taboo
Copyright : Aleksandra Trusova

Pleasure with scientific support

The female pleasure flag, today, has several allies in different parts of the world – thank goodness! In España, we have the example of Prazerela, a center for positive sexuality founded by psychoanalyst Mariana Stock, which distributes several courses on sexuality, including self-stimulation so that women can discover themselves and develop their potential to delight in themselves.

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Another interesting source of studies is the OMGyes movement. The initiative brings together several professionals in the scientific field and develops research and content on female pleasure, which lacks sources and even nomenclatures. Its purpose is to demystify the numerous taboos that still exist in our society and contribute to a serious scientific line about this universe. You can buy access to the content through the site to purchase the survey and the various videos that present the results of how women and men around the world feel pleasure. A very valuable material to warm up all kinds of relationships. As they explain, couples who constantly explore new ways to increase pleasure are 5 times more likely to be happy in their relationships and 12 times more likely to be sexually satisfied.

Conclusion? Less silence and more talk about pleasure, sexuality, masturbation and the whole sacred female cave, as this knowledge is more than necessary for the mental and physical health of humanity.

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