The 16 personality types

In a job interview, on a date or when meeting someone, if you were asked how you would define your personality, what would your answer be? Perhaps you hesitated for a while or responded with something more like the view others have of you.

To understand who we really are, however, we can follow a few paths, and all of them will have a great influence from psychology. This is an area of ​​study that looks at human behavior, feelings and thoughts, whether of an individual or a group, to analyze what makes our attitudes one way, not another.

With a scientific basis, psychology is responsible for offering a greater understanding of a person about himself. From this, it is possible to solve problems more easily, overcome traumas, develop our qualities and minimize our defects.

So, if you want to have a better and simpler life, knowing yourself is essential. Next, you will discover the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) methodology, a psychology resource to identify your personality type. Learn more about yourself!

What is the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®)?

MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) is a method for identifying the type of personality a person has. This system was defined by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Briggs, based on studies by psychologist Carl Jung.

By simplifying Jung's studies and transforming them into 16 distinct personality types, it became easier for each person to get to know themselves a little bit more. After all, just take the test on a reliable site, answering how you would act in each situation presented, and find out how you can be classified.

The 16 personality types
ArtHouse Studio / Pexels

Knowing your personality type, it is possible to make a series of improvements in all areas of your life. With regard to your personal life, for example, you can identify which people you have the most affinity with and what kind of relationship you can build with each of them. You can even understand the differences between you and your close family members if you have conflicts with them.

At work, on the other hand, you will find it easier to identify the roles you can develop and even the professions that best match your essence. If everyone on your team has taken the test, you can also group those whose skills are complementary. That way, there are more chances of achieving professional success.

Another advantage of the MBTI® is that, from there, you will be a self-aware person. This means that you will understand what your strengths and weaknesses are, what social situations you do best in, and in what ways you can make the most of your potential. With this, it is even possible for you to become an evolved version of yourself, relating more lightly with others and with yourself.

The 16 personality types
an Vasek / Pixabay

Even if you believe that the MBTI® personality types are not that in-depth, even if they are based on complex studies, this tool can help you. The more questions you ask yourself about who you are, how you approach every situation in life and how you see yourself, the deeper your self-knowledge will be.

The 16 personality types

Now that you know how the MBTI® was developed and what the uses of this system are, it's time to identify the 16 personality types. To find out which type is yours, you must perform the test on a reliable and secure platform, which will give you an accurate result.

The 16 personality types
suprunovich / 123RF

The first group of personalities is known as “Analysts”. It includes people who act logically, strategically and rationally, being especially intelligent:

  • Architect (INTJ)
  • Logical (INTP)
  • Commander (ENTJ)
  • Debater (ENTP)

The second group of personalities is that of the “Diplomats”. They are calm, observant people who flee from conflicts, in addition to being concerned with social causes and fighting for freedom:

  • Lawyer (INFJ)
  • Mediator (INFP)
  • Protagonist (ENFJ)
  • Activist (ENFP)

The third group of personalities is called the “Sentinels”. These individuals are seen as practical, selfless, thoughtful and dedicated in their tasks, protecting those they love and having an easy time organizing:

  • Logistics (ISTJ)
  • Defender (ISFJ)
  • Executive (ESTJ)
  • Consul (ESFJ)

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The last group of personalities is known as “Explorers”. These people are charming, energetic, spontaneous and explorative, willing to enjoy the best in life:

  • Virtuoso (ISTP)
  • Adventurer (ISFP)
  • Entrepreneur (ESTP)
  • Entertainer (ESFP)

After getting to know the MBTI® and making sure that it is a very credible personality type identification system, delve into its interior. Look for a reliable platform to take the test and find out what its true essence is, to perform better in every part of your life!

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