Feel the movement of life

Have you ever felt worn out and tired in the face of everyday routine? Feeling exhausted and lost, as if there was no way out of this place, as if you were stuck in the imposed social constructions?

Many feel this way, and in these moments it is a challenge to see with a greater perspective or to think outside the box. All we want is a magic quick fix to ease all this pain, this discontent.

There is no such solution, apart from working each day to build ourselves, to deepen our self-knowledge while maintaining the movement that is the natural state of life. As life is dynamic, naturally everything around us is in constant motion, so there is nothing fixed, not even routine. Nothing is so static that it cannot be changed., resignified, bringing more beauty and lightness, improving our way of seeing life experiences.

Feel the movement of life

At all times we are surprised by countless events, but our mind tends to cling to what is comfortable and safe, stable, always taking us to the same places, to the same thoughts and actions.

Daily we are involved by our thoughts, unaware that if we focus on the now we can transform our reality.

Not only can we, but we must make a different move just to contradict and challenge our mind by taking it out of the common place.

We must constantly and consciously feed our joy for the events of life, more than that, we must go along the path with joy to meet the experiences of life.

Feel the movement of life

Let's not let ourselves be contaminated by the mind that shows us that everything is always the same, that nothing good ever happens, that everything is a bore or a bore, as this is just a pattern of the mind that acts like this to give us comfort, so let's challenge it to think that movement is the pattern and that there is comfort and safety every day we do something new, different and unusual. Let's think that what makes us comfortable is no longer enough for our evolution, that we must repair what we can do today to break the routine, to motivate ourselves, and happily meet the wonderful life experiences that are on the way.

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The path of expansion of consciousness is a spiral where we are always returning to the same events, and with each return we are a step above, with a greater awareness to know how to better interpret and experience each event. There is much to learn and grow, it is not by chance that we are always accumulating knowledge to reap the best that is in us and thus give back to others, to the world and the universe.

Knowing this, it is impossible to believe that everything is always the same or that there is routine.

There is just a new opportunity to retrace the same path with different tools, instruments, it is as if we are testing our abilities in the face of situations that certainly contribute to our spiritual evolution. Therein lies the joy in living all the multiple daily experiences that life throws at us, and we hurriedly meet them, greeting them with joy and celebrating the magic of living.

Feel the movement of life

From this combination we acquire more sense and clarity of why we are living, we are just learning to solve challenges and with each conclusion we gain new skills to complete the challenge, leading us to new and infinite possibilities, and this is dynamic, exciting and essential for what we call life. Everything is in constant motion, so we go with the flow and dance to the beat. We dictate this rhythm, we choose the frequency and even if we want to remain static in what we want, life turns and takes us to dance taking us away from the common place, we know that we will come back and then we will leave again, and so on until we are convinced that we are in the movement and that it no longer makes sense to want to stay still, we are multiple and inconstant and we should embrace this movement just out of curiosity, because we can always return and with each movement we are gaining and knowing more places to return to and at the same time building, discovering other places where we can be, and that's wonderful. That's part of life. That's living.
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