The Inner Journey and the Visionary Trail

The quest for consciousness expansion and life purpose: we will address this subject in a series of articles
The Inner Journey and the Visionary Trail

The archetype, model of human behavior, of the visionary is one that represents the personal energy of non-judgmental truth, creativity and authenticity.

Its purpose is to open up the creative spirit and bring the purpose of life to earth, expanding gifts, talents and your personal resources, facing challenges and tests.

Your self-appreciation is as strong as your self-criticism, stays attached to your authenticity and puts your creative expression at your service, breaks through fears and trusts inner truth.

Recognize and truly accept your personal talents and these are the tools with which you will materialize your life purpose.

It seeks silence, a balanced heart and intuition, as compasses to indicate new directions and paths.

Discover the truth within yourself, without losing your way, accept changes trusting your inner perception.

Vision, then, is created from the inner truth, from the desire to walk the path of beauty, in a clear and crystalline way.

It studies, works and takes care of the higher levels of consciousness, welcomes the signals from the internal and external worlds, eliminates personal confusion.

You understand that the best way to find the truth is to fully trust your feelings and intuition. Confusion and doubt are eliminated, action makes the path of truth emerge.

It is one who seeks, asks for answers and is prepared to accept and recognize the truth as soon as it arises. He knows that recognition and acceptance prepare the way for self-knowledge.

“If you are not good to yourself, how can you be good to others?” (Spanish proverb).

The Inner Journey and the Visionary Trail

The visionary's challenge is: 

1. Recognize your own truth;

2. Stop feeding the false self system: pretending, censoring and hiding the real selves;

3. Selflessness – greatest shadow of the archetype: renouncing oneself out of love for someone to gain acceptance and approval, keeping the peace (fear of facing conflict);

4. Projections – recognize the three types of mirrors: clear (people you don’t believe you can imitate), smoky (you have difficulty with people you don’t want to look like at all), and cracked (people you love and admire, although their presence causes fear and embarrassment). These mirrors are masters for the visionary to step out of the shadows.

Carl Jung, a psychoanalyst, suffered from deep depression in his later years. And to recover his ideal of life, he needed to rescue his inner divine child. He reflected on his childhood, remembered how he stayed in time outside of time when he built sand castles out of pebbles. This information helped him out of his depression. He used this method with clients to remind them of these solitary, timeless activities.

The visionary invites us to bring the activities of the divine child to the ideal of adult activities, with lightness, creativity, imagination and truth. By extending the memory and "hands" to this child, we heal the adult, through a sense of humor, spontaneity and curiosity.

Helpful tips to strengthen your Inner Visionary: 

1. Journal your dreams: those important dreams to work on during the year, those that are alive in your mind;

2. Committing to tell the truth, speaking out in the world with respect, is different from the famous “sincericide”;

3. Daily hum your favorite songs. Music that brings power, personal energy and elevates energy;

4. Set a time each season to review your goals and how much they support your ideal of life and visions;

5. Offer non-verbal prayer or support to others, using creative visualization, affirmations and visual reminders to support your own development;

6. Take a moment daily to listen to your intuition;

7. Meditate: walking, standing, lying down or sitting.

The Inner Journey and the Visionary Trail

Points for reflection: 

1. When in your life do you give vent to the creative aspects of your personality? What is your unique and unparalleled natural remedy (gifts and talents)?

2. What makes you laugh? How developed is your sense of humor?

3. When do you feel able to maintain your integrity and authenticity? And when you don't feel strong for it?

“You have to know what you want to achieve. But when you know, let yourself be possessed by that knowledge. And if it seems to lead you astray, don't hold back, because maybe that's where you instinctively want to be. And if you stop and try to stay always in the same place, you will wither.” (Gertrude Stein).

And to finish…

The visionary guides us to be creative people, open to multiple ways of seeing, to be easy, allowing life to take its course or to meet options, not yet considered with good humor, spontaneity, authenticity and integrity.

Good thoughts and practices!

Next month, we'll meet the Healer archetype.

See you later!

You may also like other articles by the author. Access: 4 Archetypes for the Inner Journey! Which way is this?

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