Fear, for you and for you!

Do you remember how many fears you've been through in your life? Can you remember each of them? Some people can understand and by becoming aware of what that actually is, you can stop having this fear.

When I was about 15 years old, I remember being in the back seat of my cousin's car and, suddenly, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw his face transformed, like a real monster, full of hair, which made him look more like a monkey. I looked at it for a few moments without being able to understand how it had turned into something so frightening! I thought… what happened? Could he be a werewolf and we never knew? I don't know how long that feeling lasted, but it took a lot for me to have the courage to look at his face, not through the mirror, but directly into his face.

I took courage and looked and what was the surprise? There was nothing there, just the reflection of light on his face, which, seen in the rearview mirror, caused a distortion of the image and I saw it that way, contaminated by my internal beliefs of the existence of monsters and folkloric figures.

And today, watching a video of Dr. Carlos Veiga, I remembered that. “Fear is an illusion for us not to recognize who we are.” That spoke to me, see!

Fear, for you and for you!

We spend our lives accumulating fears, anger, frustrations and so many other emotions without even thinking about them. Looking in the rearview mirror and believing in that monster is what we normally do. Creating the courage to face the face plain and simple seems like something monumental, but when we are willing or forced to do so, we observe that that fear was totally unfounded. Don't think that life won't bring you opportunities to face them, because it will, usually when you least expect it. When you think you are in control of the whole situation.

Ah, friend, be sure to go! You can choose: look at your little monsters now or wait for the wave to bring it to you.

Fear, for you and for you!

It's been a long time since I've faced my fears, my monsters in the mirror and today, looking at this trajectory (which isn't over yet, of course!), I see that many of them didn't exist. Creations, chimeras of my ego. Things I most feared would happen in my life just happened and left me completely lost, disoriented, and have made me review my entire life.

All these fears, one by one, have been faced, deconstructed and observed with truth and depth. If it hurts? Oh yes, it hurts a lot! Immensely! However, after the first impression, elaborating each sensation, each feeling, you are able to understand that "what you fear most is exactly what can make you free".

Fear, for you and for you!

The first thing to be revealed is losing the fear of knowing who you are, what you seek and what moves you through life. Getting out of the box, looking at yourself not through the mirror of illusion, but turning inside out, looking inside and realizing how many things you boxed, how much accumulation, how much inherited stuff that you weren't aware you kept. Accepting that you have it all inside is the first step.

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I can already thank the fears, talk to them as equals and say: - Ok, there you are, but hold my hand here and let's go together. As they say: go scared, but go! I'm going! But happy because each one I have faced has brought me awareness, security, growth and freedom.

When you decide to face fear, choose for the truth, choose to look at what seemed to you to be, but wasn't. And, most likely, if you have the courage to face these fears one by one, you will feel more and more free: “master of yourself” and able to realize that they only existed for you and for you.

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