Family Constellation and The 3 Consciousnesses: A New Way of Seeing, Being and Living

    hello beloved,

    Today I came to talk a little bit about the Three Consciousnesses according to the Systemic View of the Constellations.

    "But Rachel… I have already studied consciousnesses in depth and what different authors explain about them, but I have not found anything similar to the consciousnesses explained on the net about constellations.”

    Okay beloved ones, but note that I talk about the 3 consciousnesses according to the Constellations, and this is to leave WELL of course, if you are going to look for more of this content on the Net on this topic, you should look for the “The 3 consciences according to the Constellations or According to Bert Hellinger”, and then you will find content similar to the explanation I give in the video lesson at the end of this article.

    Family Constellation and The 3 Consciousnesses: A New Way of Seeing, Being and Living

    However, I also explain as “similar”, because all knowledge (including that of the Quran, Bible, Philosophical Works, etc.), each one interprets according to their own worldview, even if they are reading or watching the same content. And the Teacher here, in addition to having a kind of different world view (???), carries with her more than 30 years of phenomenological experiences, and a lot, but a lot of study SCIENTIFIC linked to Quantum, Philosophy, Parapsychology, Systemic, Conventional (normal) and Quantum (still called paranormal) Human Behavior. All this content also launches several techniques and methods to help the client, the patient and ourselves. So, the last time my certificates were counted here, there were more than 60 training courses and specializations in different methods and techniques.

    That is, for those who are not scientists or in the area of ​​research, it is impossible to explain the “cat rattle” that all this causes in the mind of a research philosopher, until he reaches his own conclusions (empirical choices), whether they are right or not. or wrong, they are linked to everything he experienced on the physical or extraphysical plane, and that is why nothing is the same, no one speaks the same way, because our interpretations of the "bible" are really different...

    Family Constellation and The 3 Consciousnesses: A New Way of Seeing, Being and LivingEach one of us is vibrating at a frequency and therefore we pick up different “stations”: stations of understanding, interpretation, etc. I became known for my way POP to explain, to demystify, but in my explicit and simple speech, it contains messages and content that some are able to capture “at other levels of consciousness”, through the NLP, from my look, gesture, intensity of words and sensitivity.

    That's why I say that my courses are for housewives and doctors, each one will have their interpretation due to their own particular content or worldview, and Raquel with her scientific studies links this to 1st Consciousness, the Personal Consciousness known in the constellations.

    These contents do not come from Raquel people, what I do is tune into different frequencies and focus on certain SYSTEMS. A collective system that I often call "Pandora's box" or collective unconscious, where everything that has ever been thought of in the world about a certain theme or subject, is kept there in the file of that system, where whoever reaches, enters and dives into that frequency, can access these content as well. That's why they don't patent more ideas, because it would be impossible to research if this would be ORIGINAL of that person or if he has already captured it from someone, who has already thought about or will create that. Hard to talk about plagiarism, isn't it?

    Quantum Constellations work in various SYSTEMS. Above I presented to you my own system of knowledge, to explain why we do not judge. We can never say if it is right or wrong, because who said that we are really connected to this System of knowledge??? Or if the constellator “x” u “y” is just repeating a frozen knowledge he learned in a primer???

    Whatever! I always say that if the belief, the method, the technique is helping and moving the person forward, then that person will certainly YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

    Family Constellation and The 3 Consciousnesses: A New Way of Seeing, Being and Living

    I call this content Collective, archaic unconscious or Pandora's box, because we have access by morphic or quantum resonance and would never fit into our conscious mind. In addition to “being there in Pandora’s box”, they are also in our DNA energy and archaic cellular memory. Therefore, in organizational constellations, of properties or environments, I also take into account the cellular memory of objects, such as walls, furniture, people who have lived or worked there and all the content that surrounds them.

    already the call 3rd Consciousness in the Constellations is the Quantum Consciousness, that of knowledge, that of the Source, or Spiritual. That's where the solution to human questions really lies. It is in these consciousnesses that some work with the so-called “New Constellations”.

     Past and future (space and time) are disregarded, and we focus only on the present of the here and now, letting this greater consciousness act on the field, the group and the constellated person. Here, even the constellator renounces what he has “learned” about the conventional method, because at this level it is no longer necessary.

    So complex to explain, liberating to experience. That's why I won't comment much on it, because in this regard there is no material available that uses the same language as I do. So, I only present it here and comment a little more in the video below, where I try to explain a little bit about all this.

    I hope it makes sense for you, each one in your vibration, to wake up to this knowledge that has always existed, about other names, aspects and authors, but known today as Systemic Constellations (Family and others).

    Remember that always below the video I leave a TIP for you, okay?

    Family Constellation: The three consciousnesses in a broader context

    TODAY'S TIP: Search the net for videos of other constellations that talk about the 3 consciousnesses according to the constellations. The tip is to look for videos of 3 to 10 minutes at most, because if you watch lectures or complete classes on the topic, you will also be “contaminated” by one or another worldview of the speaker. What I'm aiming at here is that you don't believe in me or anyone else, just study and look for what makes sense to you within your worldview, which is ONLY. And from there, identify in your lives when you are acting for yourself or when you are influenced by any other consciousness, learning to identify what is yours, what is of the collective and what is of the SOURCE and then choose to think better before acting... All this to live better in our daily lives, after all, man's pursuit is happiness, and in pursuit of it, we even die. and this is REALLY!

    We appreciate you sharing this article and helping us to help more people BE AWARE Furthermore, freeing themselves from their guilt by understanding that not everything we do or how we act comes from us, we have a lot of transgenerational content, in addition to what some channel from other Systems.

    Your comment below is very important to us.

    Quantum Kisses.

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