fall in love with your life

We go through different phases in our lives, from the moments when we want it to never end and that the moment is eternal, to the moments when the only thing we wish is not to live anymore.

It is normal that we have phases, some happier, others less, however we can never forget the value of our lives and the importance of our trajectory.



We often feel very tired and discouraged about the events that have taken over our day. Routine is heavy, work exaggerated, money difficult, prices are high and leisure time is very short.

This is the picture of many people who live in this crazy modern society. We are constantly exposed to new challenges and demands that make us fall and get up again and again, needing to be strong and firm to continue without letting discouragement limit us and make us stagnate, even though it often seems impossible to move on.

For these and many other reasons, such as the end of cycles, major changes or losses, at certain moments we feel disappointed with life and unmotivated to continue with it, it is as if we lost the passion for the fact of existing and being able to live, which it puts us down and depresses us.


That's not fair to you. We don't know how long we'll be here, not even with the same people and conditions we're in today. If something is uncomfortable and unsatisfactory, it's time to change and fall in love with your own life again, taking the best that each situation has to offer us.

First of all, you must be ready to give new opportunities a chance and face them with the greatest courage, willingness and good humor possible.

fall in love with your lifeStart by changing some habits and bringing news to your activities in and out of routine, here are some examples of attitudes that will remind you how much life is worth:

- Meet new people:

Whenever you have the opportunity to meet new people, go. Don't be shy about going to unknown places even alone, be brave and be yourself. Anything can happen, you can feel uncomfortable and leave or you can meet amazing people and make new friends. Try it and for sure some new learning will come.

– Accept praise:

We know the power of words and we must accept them for our good. Just as it is important to listen to criticism and assimilate it, it is also important to receive praise well and praise it to ourselves, reaffirming our self-esteem and remembering all our qualities.

– Claim less:

When we make things less troublesome, we make life more enjoyable and less demanding. Know how to identify when there is really a big problem or when we can go over β€œboring things” without getting too upset.

– Get in touch with the world:

Talk to others, greet strangers, get out of each other, live in new environments. Being in touch with the world makes us step out of our comfort zone, notice new things and renew our energies.

– Invest in you:

Remember that your time should be divided between productivity and leisure. We shouldn't be machines that do a thousand things at the same time and don't set aside a single day to take care of ourselves. Invest in yourself, take courses, create projects and engage in activities that motivate you every day and can put a smile on your face.

– Follow examples:

Enjoy all those who are willing to help you. Follow those you consider wise, have examples and also motivate yourself by the success of others.

– Accept yourself:

Never fail to value any of your details. Above any standard or social demand, you are beautiful for what you are and have many qualities and defects, just like any other human being. Understand, appreciate, use and exalt your beauty.

Text written by JΓΊlia Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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