Explanations – One Minute Presence Meditation

Hello. I'm going to explain a meditation structure that I usually don't see around. Meditation is trying to be present, aware of what is happening, moment by moment, without great demands. My view is that the more I demand perfection in this continuity of presence, the more tense I become. Therefore, the less effective this awakened consciousness will be. So, the proposal is to be present within my possible limit. But if I put it, for example, if I'm going to meditate five minutes, ten minutes is a relatively long time, even five minutes is a relatively long time for me to keep reminding myself to be present.

Explanations – One Minute Presence Meditation

So one approach I come up with is to break up the meditation time down to the minute. So, regardless of how long I meditate, every minute there will be either a phrase, or a word, or a sound… I'm already there, if I want to use this beep, which can be a meaningful phrase, it can help to propel me, to go even further into this state of awakened consciousness. So it has some very important functions, not only for beginners in meditation but even for experienced meditators. Then it would be the fragmentation of time.

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But this video that I'm explaining now refers to a meditation that has Osho's phrase. It was chosen… that phrase was chosen. There was a poll, a research to choose a specific phrase from Osho to become this beacon of this meditation, and a phrase was chosen… I will not say now what the phrase is. But I want to invite you to try this approach of breaking up meditation time into each minute so that I can be prompted to go deeper or reminded to come back to presence.

Explanations – One Minute Presence Meditation

This meditation with this Osho phrase is only five minutes long, and of course I can practice more times… I can repeat this meditation, I choose the time multiple of five. I got the invitation. It's a different approach, I believe it's an approach that is easier to experience the presence and at the same time deeper.

It creates conditions for there to be more depth.

I just want the last thing: Osho's phrase is not that she will have the power to induce me to be present, I have to be already present, and it helps to create an internal environment of deepening. It is not for me to analyze the sentence, philosophize about it, question it or agree with it. It's simply taking advantage of that phrase so that I can go deeper into the experience of being perceptive, aware of what is happening in the moment.

Explanations – One Minute Presence Meditation

Being an awakened consciousness, attentive to what is happening in the moment, whatever it is, is not concentration. I don't necessarily need to be aware of this or that, breathing or anything else. There just needs to be an awakened consciousness, attentive to something in the here and now… Consciousness is awake. It doesn't matter what... what matters is that the consciousness is awake. OK. An invitation. I think it's worth a try for those unfamiliar with this approach.

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