26 topics for dads and moms

Içami Tiba was one of the greatest scholars on family education and school that España has had. His studies to this day provide us with very valuable information on how we can educate our children in the most harmonious way possible.
We selected 26 topics that Içami Tiba highlighted as important guidelines for educating children:

1 – The responsibility for education should never be transferred entirely to the school. First and foremost, parents will always be responsible for their children's education.

2 – You don't put a time-out child in your room. Nowadays there are many distractions and diversions that children can entertain themselves in this environment.

3 – It is part of education to punish for something the child has done wrong. But the punishment must be just, never in excess.

4 – You should always hear both sides of the story. If the child is in a conflict (he was punished at school, for example), you should listen to what teachers and peers have to say too, not just your child.

5 – Information and knowledge are different things. Information is just knowing about something. Knowledge is when information is used and applied in everyday life. Encourage your children to be aware.

6 'Authority is something that should belong to both the father and the mother. The couple must work together to avoid inconsistencies within the house.

7 – Parents need to make it clear to the child when is the right time to eat and how to eat healthy.

8 – Regarding the content learned at school, it is important for the child to know how to demonstrate that he has really learned and not just memorized it.

9 – Productivity is something that should be taught from an early age. Teach your child to always give 100% of himself in everything he does.

10 – At the right time, educate your child on how to enjoy life in a healthy and conscious way. Be transparent about drug and pregnancy issues.

11 – Teach that early pregnancy is something that can damage a person's life forever. Educate and teach what safe and mindful sex is.

12 – Do not accept aggression from your child for drug-related reasons. Make clear the limits to be respected.

13 – The mother must know when to withdraw. A distance from the child, in some cases, can help to restore respect between the two.

26 topics for dads and moms

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14 – The father should not raise his voice to the son to fight. If both of you are nervous, the best thing is to wait for calm to come to talk respectfully with each other.

15 – There are lessons that come with victory, others that come with defeat. Teach your child that there is no shame in losing, as long as he always has a learning experience that helps him grow and evolve as a person.

16 - I didn't present your son for doing something that was his obligation. For example, being polite or respecting others.

17 – Do not let grandparents interfere too much in education, which is the responsibility of parents. It is the duty of parents to educate their children.

18 – If the mother or father has psychological problems, they should seek treatment. Don't let your problems affect your child's growth and mental health.

19 – The mother should not “swallow frogs” from her child. Establish a relationship of respect always.

20 – Teach the difference between video games and reality. In real life there are no second chances or infinite lives.

21 – Meet your child's teachers. Teacher must be a leader and inspire his students.

22 – If the child lives far away, learn to use technology to keep in touch. The internet is an ally to maintain relationships.

23 - Don't leave the child as the center of the universe in the house. Teach that each family member has duties and responsibilities. There is hierarchy, but no one is better than anyone else.

24 – Spoiled children have a tendency to fall into the world of drugs. Don't let your child spoiled.

25 – Teach that if the child wants to have an “adult” conversation, he must learn to argue and support his opinion on something. Don't encourage the "I want it because I want it".

26 – Financial education is more important than the amount of money you are going to give your child. Teach him to use money wisely.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team. 

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