Excerpts from Meditation Classes with Nisargan – Part 1

There are two ways for us to be. Let's first introduce a concept. We are in “thinking” mode. We're doing anything in "thinking" mode. I'm "tick, tic, tic, tic, tic, tic,"... I'm waiting for the bus, I'm in the car, I'm in the office, I'm in a minute of silence, I'm cooking, I'm taking a shower, I'm listening to someone talk, but I'm “tick, tic, tic”… that's the “thinking” mode.

This doesn't mean that there aren't the necessary thoughts, the planning of what I have to do, the calculations I have to do, what I need to think about too... but what happens is that there is an average of 50 to 60 thoughts unnecessary or actually disturbing a day… So we become hostages to a racing mind that I don't know which button to turn off, and it keeps brooding.

An idea enters, enters, enters, enters and I become a victim of it.. I take the focus away from reality, what is actually happening.. I enter the virtual world, which would be the mental world.
Excerpts from Meditation Classes with Nisargan – Part 1

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Meditation is moving from the “thinking” mode, let's call it that to exemplify, the unbridled thinking mode to the perceiving mode… which simplifies a lot… what is the perceiving mode? When I am perceiving what is happening... When I am thinking I am not perceiving, I am oblivious to what is happening, when I am perceiving I am not thinking, in the moment when I realize that in that instant I am not thinking unnecessarily... . they are inversely proportional… what I want is not just to silence the mind or lessen the noise, I want to increase awareness of reality, of what is happening in the moment… and the more I perceive the reality of the moment then I don't get into something It will calm down, but it won't…..

Excerpts from Meditation Classes with Nisargan – Part 1
It's like so…. It's like, for example, if I'm in a dark room... when I'm thinking I'm not seeing things, I'm not even seeing myself, I'm not even seeing the other, I'm not even seeing situations... it's like if I were in a dark room, that I have to walk inside it... I'll bump into myself, I'll knock things over, because I'm not noticing... When I introduce light, I start noticing what's inside the room, so I will be able to assess what movement I will have to make, where I am going, so perceiving is perceiving in such a way that my actions flow according to reality.

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