End of year – Grandma wrote a letter, Mom called and I…

“Every year it's the same thing, arguments with the husband and children about the use of the 13th salary, about the guests and dishes we will serve, last-minute trips to the crowded supermarket, desperate attempts to buy air tickets and find vacancies at the hotel, That's why I hate the end of the year.”

Is this new or is it experienced year round?

“On second thought, I lead a stressful life with disagreements and lack of planning all year, but at the end of the year it all escalates leading to an unbearable level of stress.”

End of year – Grandma wrote a letter, Mom called and I…

When the model of life you are experiencing leads to stress and burnout, it is essential to question whether it is worth continuing with that model. When looking outside, there is a tendency to blame the spouse, the boss, the financial situation of the country, the excess of commitments at the end of the year, etc.

Have you ever stopped to think about who you learned this model of dealing with people and commitments from? With mommy, daddy, grandma? It was another time, another rhythm of life that Grandma and Mom had. This model needs to be updated. Grandma would quietly write letters and send Christmas cards to relatives and closest friends weeks before Christmas. Mom greeted relatives and close friends by making a phone call.

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Today, you send messages to relatives and close friends, send and answer emails from clients, send messages to friends who don't always know them personally, even more than the 30 virtual groups you participate in, make posts on various social networks, responds to the 58 Merry Christmas messages, while listening to the doorbell ring to let you know that your guests have arrived and check that the turkey isn't burning in the oven. Not forgetting the photos posted during supper you need to respond to friends' comments and also comment on their photos. Ufa! Fulfilling this part is already tiring, can you imagine all the details to make the party happen? It takes planning, organization, cooperation, flexibility, good humor, a light heart.

End of year – Grandma wrote a letter, Mom called and I…

Creating a planning model according to your financial reality, time, personal and family tastes can be essential to reduce stress and burnout. What can be done months or weeks in advance? days before? All that remains is what cannot be anticipated.

Excessive activities can diminish love, joy and lightheartedness.

Living in balance and peace at the end of the year can be learned.

Lovingly, Happy Holidays, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!

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