Everything will work out

    The rational mind, commanded by the ego, is full of rules that, most of the time, do more harm than help. Delete that command from your life. Soon, in reaction, you will think that this leads to nothing, that positive thinking works, but it passes and everything goes back to the way it was before. It has a certain logic, it's an idea, however, this is for the sad people, who accept defeat before the game even starts.

    Really, thinking positive and mentalizing good things won't change the world around you. However, self-motivation, which is contained in this idea, in this dazzle made by thinking, created by imagination, to put everything up and lift the spirits, serves only as an antidote in the face of adversity, discomfort and the circumstances of life so that you can simply move forward, with your head held high, in the right steps and with a clear conscience.

    Everything will work out

    There is a flow of energy that moves the world. Just like the stones that attract metals, because the Earth is a magnetic field and this magnetism generates an attraction, a natural law. In this way, when you think about something, that thought, which is a vibration and an energy, creates a frequency that emits a magnetic signal that, in turn, generates the possibility of carrying something similar with the same affinity and intensity, that is, , a similar vibration comes your way.

    So your desire, your will, your willingness to want and to do becomes reality through the power of magnetism, the magnetic power of thought. In turn, positive thinking, will, knowledge, the willingness to persist in that everything will work out can and should be used to condition the mind and accomplish the things you want.

    It's not just about thinking, as in fairy tales that when you say a magic word, for example, “Alakazam” or “Sinsalabin”, everything happens the way you imagined. Despite the intention, the contained poetics, it doesn't work that way. But, in turn, it has the dynamics and there is an essential component: the will and the desire for that intention to come true.

    In addition to thinking affirmatively, there has to be confidence, belief and perseverance that everything will work out. Imagine, above all, what good things will happen to you. Keep in mind that everything you want, everything you want, you can get, but you have to want it! In truth. You have to take an attitude, act and have the necessary disposition.

    Therefore, you must go out, leave your comfort zone, expose yourself, seek adventures in an unknown world, have the courage, the daring to do what you like, regardless of other people's opinion. Don't let others make the decision, after all, it's your life! You are the one who knows what has to be done.

    You choose, you make the decision, your mind will respond through your thinking. So, everything will work out.

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