Every decision starts with you

    This year I took my bull by the nail. It's not that I haven't done it before, but this time I'm challenging myself to never-before-seen levels. I managed, over the last few years, to go from a -10 life (with depression and recurrent panic attacks) to a 7 life. A 6, some would say, but I am among the 30% of the population with the best quality of life, absolutely. Note 7, therefore. But then I thought: why not a life of 10?

    And yes, the first thing that crossed my mind was Mr. Madruga, one of my saboteurs, saying: why, honey? Relax. It's all right now. No, Mr. Madruga, who owes him 8 months of rent forever, he doesn't. Overweight (I'm sure I've been more overweight than I am now); health problems (you're sure I don't have anything serious and no established disease); average relationship (but it's also in the beginning) and finances, so… Earning a good salary, but without any, no financial organization.

    And it's all causing pain. Physical pain – such as being overweight that makes me have pain in my feet and spine – and emotional pain – such as not sleeping because I ended, once again, the month in the red. And for what? Oh, for nothing!

    So I made a decision. I will conquer life grade 10. And the most interesting thing is how the decision is a powerful tool and how it starts to make everything move around you.

    I decided to go back to the gym, but I couldn't find one that I liked. Then, out of nowhere, a person appears saying that he went back to one we did years ago. That the gym is very good and at a very affordable price. I started following them on Instagram and saw that they were, that week, on a birthday promotion. Oops, goal number 1 accomplished.

    Every decision starts with you
    Estée Janssens / Unsplash

    Finances have always been a weakness and I wondered how I would solve it. Well, at the beginning of this year, Natália Arcuri – whose book I had bought days before – released her finance course for entrepreneurs for R$ 1. Yes, a course of almost a thousand reais for 1 real. I bought it quickly and found out that the bargain can only be done until April. That is, course done, financial holes duly mourned and life that follows.

    What I mean is that magic happens, yes, when we make a decision. Most of the time, things are already there, just waiting to be achieved. We just really need to have the courage and willingness to observe.

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    No, none of this is going to be easy. I've spent the last few weekends with my face in books and spreadsheets and that's okay, it's my decision. And so it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sleeping better, eating better, and having better ideas. And yes, dealing with the emotional triggers that all this is generating for me all the time. But that's it! That's decided and soon I'll come here to tell you how everything is right now.

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