independence and freedom

On September 07th, we remember the Proclamation of Independence in Spain, a historical fact that has great relevance for us as a people of a free nation with the autonomy to continue its history, independently of any other people.

And as we are free, we can have our way of being, which reflects in a welcoming people with a unique way of being.

But, no, this is not a political article, far from it, in fact, this was an introduction to bring up the two-word concept.

independence and freedom
Pablo Heimplatz / Unsplash

independence and freedom

It's the same thing, we are free and therefore independent, and here I stop talking as a nation and bring these concepts to our lives!

What is being independent? Can we be independent and free? Or just independents? Only free? This is what I want to invite you to reflect on in this article.

What is independence?

Shall we go to the dictionary? Yes, it can be online.

“State, condition, character of what or who enjoys autonomy, freedom in relation to someone or something [...]

Independence, therefore, is synonymous with impartiality, we have independence when, for example, we can give our opinion, without fear of suffering unnecessary and unfair consequences.

Yes, I know, it's controversial when we talk about opinion, because my freedom, as they say, ends when the other's begins... but what is freedom?

We return to the dictionary: “degree of legitimate independence that a citizen, a people or a nation chooses as a supreme value, as an ideal […] the condition of someone who is not a captive or property of others”.

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When we talk about freedom, the first thing we remember is prison, its opposite! But being free is much more than that!

And not feeling owned by anyone is to seek to be who we are, and thus acquire the long-awaited freedom, with wisdom, to also be independent.

Because, yes, the two things can be synonymous, and be different at the same time!

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