Create a meditation space indoors

    The rush and the countless tasks of everyday life are great enemies of peace of mind and tranquility of the soul. We are anxious to finish our tasks, to achieve work goals, to finish the day's duties and all of this completely drains our energy.

    Hence, having a space where calm and tranquility are the focus is essential. And nothing better than this space being inside our own home. After all, our home is where we should feel happy, relaxed, free from the problems and responsibilities that have taken over our minds all day.

    It is in our home that we can relax, talk and spend a little time with the people we love. It is also in our home that we take refuge from problems, forget about worries and focus on simply being ourselves.

    At least in theory it should be so. But the most common thing is to take the problems home, keep thinking about work, what you have to do the next day, how to organize the routine for the rest of the week.

    Create a meditation space indoors

    Pay attention: you can't do this. Don't be your biggest enemy. Understand and respect your body's time. He also needs to relax and focus on himself.

    And for that to happen, how about creating a meditation space inside the house? It can be a small space or an entire room. The space you have available is enough. The important thing is to always remember that while you are at it, nothing can interfere with your peace of mind.

    It will be a place for prayer, meditation, reflection, or just relaxation โ€“ whatever technique makes you feel calmer and more at peace with yourself. Building this space can be simpler than you might think: just choose a quiet space and objects that calm you down.

    It can be images of saints, incense, candles, a rug, other images, a small water fountain and whatever else helps you relax. Build a space with these items. Distribute them according to the location you have chosen.

    When everything is ready, stare at the space you've just decorated and always remember: no matter what, there's no stress in this corner. This place is just for you to throw away bad energies and charge yourself with good things again.

    Sit down. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes for a few moments and enjoy the silence of peace of mind. If you make these moments of relaxation a routine, you will see all the benefits it will bring to every aspect of your life!

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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