Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!

In China and Egypt, during antiquity, it was common to look for medicines, food and utensils in nature. Using the five senses, these civilizations discovered that they could produce essential oils from handling plants that naturally released aromas. Thus, it was possible to develop ointments, medicines and even cosmetics.

Since then, essential oils have been used all over the world for a variety of purposes. They can bring relaxation, concentration, clarity of thoughts and relief from some types of pain, for example, just by using the power of natural aromatic herbs.

Because they are products that are not made in the pharmaceutical industry, with chemical components, many people doubt their effectiveness. But scientific research proves otherwise. By the SΓ£o Paulo Research Support Foundation (FAPESP), for example, there are more than 400 studies on the topic.

Even though it is an area that still needs more studies and more tests around the world, essential oils are already seen with different eyes by the scientific community and people. It is possible to rescue ancestral knowledge to improve our quality of life, in a gentle and delicate way.

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Monicore / Pixabay

What are essential oils for?

Essential oils can be used for numerous purposes. The first of these is the alleviation of body aches such as menstrual cramps, headaches and some types of muscle pain. In addition, they can be used to promote relaxation and concentration, either to sleep better or to work with more focus.

It is common to use essential oils to increase one's connection with nature, being an important ingredient in meditations and energy cleansing processes. In this sense, these products can lead to physical and emotional well-being.

Think about the times you had peppermint tea to relieve an upset stomach, or when you smelled lavender, drank chamomile tea and immediately felt more at peace. That's the power of scents on a person's body, embodied by essential oils!

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Monicore / Pixabay

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a form of therapy based on stimulating brain regions from the scent molecules that essential oils release. In other words, it is a healing method promoted by the aroma of a natural ingredient, such as herbs and plants.

Contrary to what many people imagine, aromatherapy should not be performed without medical advice. As much as natural ingredients are used in the composition of each oil, it is important to check if they cause allergies in your body and which oils are best for you.

With the right guidance, aromatherapy can bring many benefits. There are even essential oil blends that can be recommended by professionals, creating a personalized product for each patient, with a better chance of meeting what they are looking for.

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Marina Pershina / Pixabay

What are the benefits of essential oils?

Essential oils are a tool for connecting the body and mind, as well as promoting physical and mental well-being. From the activation of certain regions of the brain, it is possible to promote different sensations, which can be easily perceived.

Among them are the feeling of tranquility, the stimulation of creativity, the development of attention, the reduction of the sensation of fear and anxiety, the stimulation of positivity and good feelings and the relief of localized pain in the body.

However, for them to bring the effects you imagine, it is essential to seek medical help. This way you will be able to identify the cause of the sensations you are having and you will be able to treat the origin of each one, not just these symptoms.

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Marina Pershina / Pixabay

How to use essential oils?

Before you start using essential oils indiscriminately, you should conduct a medical consultation to identify what is going on with your body and mind. With this mapping, it will be simpler and more objective to choose the essential oils that should be applied in your case.

It is important to note that not all essential oils can be applied directly to the skin, especially if you are allergic to the components of any of them. Read the contraindications of each and know their adverse effects. However, in most cases, they can be used in the following ways: with massages, with diffusers, with inhalation or spreading directly on the wrists.

In the case of massages, a few drops of the oil should be spread on the hands of those who will massage the body. Even a small amount of product is enough. In diffusers – objects suitable for spreading essential oil in a room –, you deposit the oil that will be released into the environment. The inhalation is made from the bottle or a piece of cotton soaked with a few drops of the oil, which should not touch the nose.

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Marina Pershina / Pixabay

Main essential oils and their uses

Next, you will learn about the main essential oils and the benefits they bring. As was said earlier, you need to seek medical help to know the best way to use each of them. If you are allergic to any component, for example, its use will be different from that of other people. Don't follow advice when it comes to health. What worked for your friend might not work for you.

1) Lavender essential oil

Produced from lavender flowers, this essential oil is a well-known soothing. It can be used to alleviate anxiety, to bring a sense of relaxation and to fight insomnia. It can also help fight respiratory problems. Many people use it in diffusers to create a cozy atmosphere.

2) Bergamot essential oil

Made with the bark of bergamot - also known as tangerine or tangerine -, this essential oil is ideal for those who live in very stressful situations. Ailments like depression and anxiety, which can be triggered by this scenario, can also be alleviated with the oil. It also aids in the digestion process and in improving skin infections.

3) Lemon essential oil

Made with lemon peel, this essential oil can bring many benefits to those who need to focus better, manage stress more efficiently and relieve headaches or symptoms of low immunity. This product can also bring more energy to those who use it.

4) Peppermint essential oil

Produced with mint leaves, this essential oil is a transformer of the respiratory system and digestive system. Fighting nasal obstruction, poor digestion and bad breath, peppermint essential oil can still calm emotions and promote more concentration. Another advantage of the product is the improvement of the appearance of hair and skin.

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Devanath / Pixabay

5) Lemongrass essential oil

Lemongrass essential oil is made from the homonymous plant and brings a number of benefits, both for physical and mental health. As far as the body is concerned, it can prevent inflammation and infections, aid digestion, and stimulate blood flow. In the mind, it has the ability to relieve fatigue, bring a sense of peace and drive away negativity.

6) Cedarwood essential oil

Developed from the bark of the cedar tree, this essential oil is an important physical and mental strengthener. Providing self-confidence and security, it can considerably improve a person's ability to overcome problems. In physical health, it can strengthen hair and alleviate acne.

7) Patchouli essential oil

Extracted from the patchouli plant, this essential oil can work as a repellent, fungicide, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, healing and sedative. With a woody scent, it can even reduce the symptoms of depression, bringing a sense of well-being and strengthening the entire immune system.

8) Ylang-ylang essential oil

Widely used in cosmetics for its sweet scent, ylang-ylang essential oil is produced from the plant of the same name. In aromatherapy, it is often used to improve a person's mood, relieving anxiety and depression. In addition, it contributes to the reduction of hair growth on the body.

9) Vetiver essential oil

Made from the vetiver plant, this essential oil has a slightly unusual benefit. It is able to ward off ticks, which is ideal for those who frequent rural areas. Vetiver essential oil also improves attention and has antioxidants in the composition of the product.

10) Orange essential oil

Made from orange peel, this essential oil is known to bring a lot of joy to those who use it. Combating negative energies, stress, depression and anxiety, it still strengthens immunity and assists in maintaining physical well-being.

Essential Oils β€” Discover the Power of Aromatherapy!
Marina Pershina / Pixabay

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Essential oils, when used correctly and recommended by professionals, can considerably improve our well-being, especially if they are combined with other types of treatment. Nature can provide us with a number of benefits if we are able to identify what we need and what we want for our health.

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