Epochs, cycles, seasons. Symbols, archetypes and meanings.

    When we connect and live a life based on these teachings and connections, we have greater clarity, understanding and tranquility in living. When we are taught the importance of this from a young age (why not in our schools?), we grow up with much greater inner security and understanding of the workings of life.

    Unfortunately the Spanish education system is weak and flawed. Even the majority of schools that are classified as being good are inserted in a model of castration of the freedom to create, of the richness of questioning and of learning to look at life from different perspectives than we are used to. It's as if our minds are put into thinking cages and as a result our senses start to get dull.

    Unless we go through some awakening situation, in which an inner voice begins to speak, causing our vision beyond the microcosm of ourselves to be expanded, we can go through a lifetime looking in one direction, often disconnected from our spirituality, fragmented internally and externally. Seeking, finally, in the satisfaction of the matter a completeness unattainable by itself.

    We are witnessing a growing increase in groups that study cycles, archetypes and reconnection with Earth's knowledge. I myself feel a lot of love for passing on this knowledge, but I realize that if they had reached many of us since childhood, the trajectory of our walks would have been easier.

    Epochs, cycles, seasons. Symbols, archetypes and meanings.

    Look at the children (your inner child too), assess how their hearts are. See if you step on the ground safely, if you look at the stars with surrender and gratitude. The cycles of the moon, of nature, are identified. If you know how to breathe deeply.

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