envy of the dead

    Beloved! There are very ancient writings that report a projection of the end times of the Cycle that is now ending. As we know, most of the catastrophic predictions that would promote the Planetary Transition will not be confirmed, as Gaia, the living consciousness of Earth, decided for a Transition as smooth as possible.

    Among many possibilities, there was the destruction of the planet itself, as happened with so many others and with Maldek, a planet in our own Solar System. Failing to achieve the purpose on the part of its population, its fate was disintegration, becoming what is now the Asteroid Belt.

    The Apocalypse recounts many disturbing possibilities, but Earth's humanity has achieved the minimum grade necessary so that we are not destroyed like Maldek. It is worth remembering that the word apocalypse means β€œchange”, so it is an error of interpretation to compare it with tragic events.

    Just as each human being has the power to decide his future, whether in corporeal life such as the current existence, or in his journey as an immortal Soul, the human collective also decides its destiny according to the sum of joint actions.

    Once this merit has been achieved, however minimal, Gaia has made her decision: Earth is then making her Transition in a way that no one will go through what they don't need to go through. Nature will be free of the events still necessary. Animals, plants, soil, water and air will be intact as there is no reason for them to be affected.

    It all boils down, in the end, to the exclusive actions of the man and, even so, each one will feel exactly the touch they need to wake up, to redeem their debts or to change what still needs to be changed. Nobody will be forgotten! Everyone will be involved in one way or another in this historic moment for Earth humanity, even races across the Galaxy.

    envy of the dead
    Miriam Espacio / Pexels

    There are still within each human being some final adjustments to be taken into account and even the already awakened and those who are awakening will still have useful lessons through the day to day. The discomfort that each one feels is closely linked to each incarnate and its intensity is also in accordance with the effort that each one must make in order to align with the new required vibrations.

    The chaotic situation that momentarily appears everywhere is the result of this adjustment. Each one is having the opportunity to step forward. Many will make a real quantum leap, as the width of the gap separating 3D from 5D is greater. For others, just a small step is enough. In addition, there are those who are already on the other side and can support those who are passing through now, and finally, there is the large group of those who are not ready. These, in turn, will take another destination, which will not be the New Earth.

    The tools that will be used in this journey are varied, but among them there are three that are fundamental: compassion, unconditional love and respect. Not knowing how to use any of these tools, the passage will not be complete, so it is essential that everyone is fully aware of this.

    Compassion will be needed now, for when the revelations are made, everyone will know who is behind all the pain and suffering inflicted on humanity for long millennia. They will be people of all classes and hierarchies, people adored by many, public people, acquaintances, friends and even family members, in short, people you trusted blindly.

    The revelations are part of the last act that will put an end to this long Cycle of humanity and will definitively sever the 3D energy ties that still bind part of humanity. Furthermore, these revelations will lead to the International Courts more than a million cold-blooded manipulators, that is, beings devoid of emotions. It is necessary to exercise compassion, unconditional love and respect for them, because if we don't, we won't be ready yet for the crossing that will take us to the New Earth.

    We need to know the truth for ultimate deliverance to take place and this truth will send reality shock waves through many people. Let us be prepared to give the necessary support, regardless of who it is, even to those who have disdained you all along, as you will be tested in order to assess the degree of conscience. In the same way that a student takes the last tests at the end of the school year, the candidates will move on. Those who fail will repeat the learning.

    envy of the dead
    John Jesus / Pexels

    Even though those days are near, what we've been through these last few years gives us a real taste of what's to come. Certainly, those who follow and are interested in this type of subject are part of the front line in this final stretch, as they are the supporters of the most needy and perceive more clearly the reality and even what is yet to come. This isn't even going to be easy for any of you.

    There are times when strength seems to be lacking and, at those times, the will is to give up. Who among you has not felt jealous of those who died recently? Yes, envy in a good way, because you know they don't have to go through what you're having to face anymore. Don't blame yourself, however, for such thoughts, as that too is normal. Somewhere, it was already written: "AND THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THE LIVING WILL ENVY THE DEAD."

    In fact, everyone here on the front lines has asked to be here now. She knew even before she incarnated that this moment would come right now. You asked to be right where you are. Even those who need to work on the Astral Plane have made it their purpose to disincarnate now. There is work on both sides. It is no different what is above and what is below.

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    Sananda, the Cosmic Christ, is here together with Archangel Michael. His gigantic Pleiadian Ship called Jerusalem is already positioning itself in the Earth's atmosphere. It is also not without reason that its position is on the blue mantle of EspaΓ±a, the Homeland of the Gospel that from here will extend to the entire Earth and it is for no other reason that the dark ones have placed thousands of their most perverse representatives in strategic command positions. .

    The times, however, have come! Sananda himself is saying that the finish line is visible to our eyes. We're in the final stretch. Let's keep the trust and our soul purpose. Let us be strong and courageous, for we form the true army of Light in the Crust of the Earth and only the best warriors are recruited to such ranks. You are part of it! That's why your weapons are compassion, unconditional love and respect.

    Remember this!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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