Change your life right now with enthusiasm

    When was the last time you felt excited? Stop for a moment and try to remember. A moment of enthusiasm makes us feel that everything is possible and that life is worth living. To better understand what this sensation is, reflect a little on the origin of this word.

    The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek โ€œenโ€ + โ€œtheosโ€, which literally means โ€œin Godโ€. The Greeks used this expression when someone felt that they had God within them. When we talk about feeling God within you, this is not linked to any specific religion. God in this sense would be like the divine spark that lives within each human being, the God within each one. This demonstrates a view that God is not just an external being, but an essence that lives within each human being.

    Change your life right now with enthusiasm

    Taking this into account, we can observe that enthusiasm manifests itself through different situations for each person. That is, what excites me is not the same as what excites you and so on. Each person must find what awakens God within him. So I started this text by asking when was the last time you felt excited.

    We should not have prejudices or judgments of where and how this energy will manifest. Stay open to new experiences and try to notice when that feeling of happiness and excitement awakens in you. When you find it, you will be closer to God than in any other place or situation. That's where the enthusiasm lives!

    So from now on, pursue what excites you and don't try to force it. All this vibration of your inner God will naturally awaken and in your heart you will feel when that moment is. Once you find what sparks your enthusiasm, do it more and more! Go on and see how everything in your life will gain new vibrant energy and you will become a more joyful and radiant person. Infect those around you with this energy and encourage others to also find what excites them. And so, everyone will find God, in the form of enthusiasm.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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