Enough of mi mi mi: have the courage to evolve in life!

Are you happy with your current life? If someone started complaining about their work, for example, would you have negative points to say about what you do on a daily basis? We often let ourselves be consumed by bad thoughts about ourselves and our choices.

And instead of working to make everything better, we stay where we are because we're afraid to take risks. So all the accumulated dissatisfaction translates into a “mimimi”, characterized by endless complaints about our own choices. Would change be that difficult?

It is possible to transform this scenario of pessimism through courage. With the content we've prepared, you'll find the motivation you need to make new choices, to replace complaints with gratitude, and to pursue your biggest dreams. Check out!

courage to grow

In a society that imposes so many standards, from our appearance to our behavior, it is difficult to feel fully confident and capable of performing a difficult task. Often, we listen more to our internal “mimimi”, which convinces us that we are not good enough and that we shouldn't even take chances.

But all these uncertainties about your present and about your future can be overcome with courage. That's because courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it. That is, you will eventually feel doubts about your choices, but you will have the determination to follow through with them, even if they are difficult.

After all, it won't always be easy to make a big change in your life. Changing careers, starting a business, getting married, having children, moving to a new country… Decisions like these impact every aspect of your life, and it's normal to feel some fear. But you can't let that fear limit you.

Enough of mi mi mi: have the courage to evolve in life!
Roy Reyna / Pexels

So it is critical that you develop your courage. If you still don't know how to do it, we'll show you the way to have the courage to grow. Next, learn how to make decisions that, as scary as they are, will take you to a new level!

Tips for flying higher

Has anyone ever told you that dreaming is free? When we think about it, we can dream big, without reservations. And, when realizing these ambitions, it is important to follow some tips, which will give you more courage and more determination to persist in your goals. See what they are!

1) Meditation of courage

Meditation is an essential technique for organizing your thoughts and feelings. Therefore, it is possible to perform daily meditations to increase your courage, finding the strength to continue your journey despite the difficulties.

So, start by choosing a quiet place in your house, where you can go right after you wake up or before you go to sleep. Then sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath, emptying your thoughts. To help, you can visualize a white light taking over your body.

Once that is done, you should think of affirmations that bring you more courage, such as “I am capable”, “I have strength”, “I can overcome any problem”. By doing this routinely, these words will be part of your mind and will help you when facing new challenges. So breathe in love and breathe out pain!

2) Fake it until you become

In English, there is a phrase that says “Fake it until you make it”. The translation for this expression would be “Pretend until you become”, but what does that mean? In many situations, self-sabotage is what keeps us from embracing new opportunities. We didn't feel that we had the potential for a new project, so we turned it down.

But what if you had a different attitude than that? What if, instead of believing that you can't, you believed that you could? Maybe you still have insecurities about it, but you can pretend to believe in yourself. Gradually, this pretense will become your reality.

For inspiration, think of Rihanna. In 2019, during New York Fashion Week, an interviewer from E! News asked what she did when she didn't feel powerful. Automatically, she replied, “I pretend. It's either that or crying yourself to sleep, and who would want that? The next day you wake up with swollen eyes, it's a waste of tears.”

Also, you can be based on an important character in popular culture: Wonder Woman. According to psychologist Amy Cuddy's theory, which associates body posture with confidence, keeping the feet slightly apart, standing upright and hands on the waist is not just a reproduction of the superhero pose.

Palestra “Fake it, until you make it” por Amy Cuddy Legendado

In fact, such a gesture is a way to change your personal image, giving a sense of self-confidence and good self-esteem. So you can imitate the pose as many times as you like, until it demonstrates how you really feel about yourself. That moment will come!

3) Be pleasant

Gratitude is a fundamental principle in a person's life. Through it, we develop a kinder view of what we have, avoiding constant complaints and frustrations. That's because, if we only focus on what we don't have or what we don't like, we will hardly be happy for our lives.

So start looking at your achievements with pride, even if they are small. Getting out of bed every day, solving problems, finding loved ones, and recognizing that you need to improve something in yourself are all things you can be grateful for. Start watching this!

Incorporating gratitude, you will have more autonomy to see the good opportunities around you, you will develop more optimistic thinking and you will be a pleasant company for those around you. But in case you're thinking it's impossible to stop complaining, we'll show you ways to transform.

How to claim less?

Doesn't it sometimes feel like you're in a competition of who suffers the most? Someone says something negative, and you realize that you also have a lot to complain about. Or else, a little inconvenience happens in your day, and it's as if everything is spoiled.

Enough of mi mi mi: have the courage to evolve in life!
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

You may not realize it, but life can be so much better than going from one complaint to another. With the tips we have prepared, you will expand your capacity and develop your life in a very positive way. Look!

1) Be around positive people

When we are around someone who is constantly complaining, it is normal for us to feel more like complaining too. We can even feel bad saying something positive to a person so immersed in their own negativity.

So, be around positive people if you want to complain less. By identifying the light and pleasant way in which they see the world, you are likely to do this with your life too, feeling less inclined to speak ill of something.

2) Focus your tasks

How many times have you spent more time complaining about a task than actually doing it? As we postpone a conversation or a job that will not be very pleasant, we cultivate negative feelings about it, prolonging the suffering that this situation could generate.

So learn to focus on your tasks, especially those that are the reason for your complaints. That way, instead of repeating how boring and stressful they are, you'll spend less time thinking about them and be able to move on to other things quickly.

3) Relax in your spare time

During your free time, your mind must remain at peace. For this, avoid thinking about your problems or everything you could have done differently in some scenario. Use this period to dedicate yourself to an activity that brings you pleasure, to discover something new and to spend time with the ones you love.

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That way, you are likely to even forget to complain about what bothers you and that you can't change. In addition, you will be evolving as a person, becoming a happier and more positive person.

Based on the information presented, you already know what to do to increase your courage and decrease your complaints. The process may be difficult at first, but over time, it will only bring benefits. Remember that you have all the potential in the world to make your dreams come true, as long as you have the determination to make them come true!

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