Co-creation: Physical, Spiritual and Psychological Healing Process

    To start a healing process, it is necessary to have the diagnosis beforehand. In co-creation, the same method of common medicine is used, but the causes here are not parasites, viruses or bacteria and the cure is also not given by drugs, but the disease remains real.

    To start talking about the healing process, it is necessary to understand that we are 100% responsible for what we experience, attract and feel. The universe is a great network to which we are all connected. When we think, we emit a vibration and the universe will return it with the same intensity.

    The book of Proverbs 20:27 says, "A man's conscience is a beacon which the Lord has set in him to reveal all thoughts and emotions." There is a force that governs the universe and all creation, only in it we find the wisdom and awareness necessary for our thoughts and actions to be positive, the best of all is that this force lives in everything, especially within us.

    Healing process: identifying the symptoms

    Physical: pain without a specific cause, tremors, tightness near the chakras, pain in certain places that come and go;

    Psychological: negative thoughts, sadness, anguish, fear;

    Spiritual: dizzying dreams, bad feelings, screaming voices.

    Each one will have its specific symptom. What happens? Identify your symptoms and even when they appear together.

    Identifying the problem

    Do these symptoms appear in a stressful situation? Anxiety? When how did that happen? When did you find such a person? Identify the thoughts and feelings that occur and in which situations.

    treating the problem

    Co-creation: Physical, Spiritual and Psychological Healing Process

    We have to have a look of love even in this situation and reflect on our problem. It all starts with forgiveness! Identify that feeling and say, “I thank you for this memory, I forgive this memory, I love this memory! Memory, free yourself from me so I can free myself from you!”

    Physical: Forgiveness and deliverance meditations, like the one I quoted above. Identify what you must forgive and let go of.

    Psychological: it is about changing the vibrational pattern. Give thanks! Gratitude heals. Thank you for the sun that purifies, thank you for the water that hydrates you, thank you for your warm bed, thank you for that yummy ice cream. See the positive side of everything, especially the negative things. Even if you don't believe it, do the following prayer:

    Father, gratitude for my day!

    For the water I drank,

    For the family to be safe,

    Because I'm safe.

    Gratitude for being healthy,

    Gratitude for being extremely at peace,

    Gratitude for my home,

    Thanks for my wisdom,

    Thanks for my calm.

    Give thanks for what you are and want to be/have. In this way, your reality is recreated.

    Spiritual: change your vibration! Look at what attitudes you can improve and make the purpose of doing charity, pray and raise your prayers asking for awareness and wisdom. At the end, thank you with extreme certainty of answer.

    Co-creation: Physical, Spiritual and Psychological Healing Process

    Everything is vibration! Everything is energy! Change your thoughts and your life will change. As Freud says: "Thought is the rehearsal of action!", so rehearse your life in a positive way, the best comes quickly.

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