Energetic vibration on planet earth for 2019

    We are almost at the end of the month of January and one of the most talked about subjects of the previous year was precisely this consciousness of collective energetic change that we were facing. Many human pains, fears and traumas have surfaced in the past year., it can be said that the universe was preparing us for what would come this year. If you've felt this "strange thing" since midnight on the 1st, know that you are not alone.

    What happens is that, this year, the energy of planet earth is accompanied by a lot of expectations, strength and a lot of personal power, it is quite likely that you have heard of or even experienced the power of thoughts, whether for the good or bad side of things, that thought has a vibration and that vibration creates a certain type of energetic β€œveil” on the planet, where we attract the most diverse situations. What we are considering here is the collective energetic vibration, which we cannot explain with words, it can only be felt.

    This energetic combination has the power to generate the most diverse internal feelings, from determination, perseverance and willpower to carry out projects. On the other hand, we can face the opposite side of this, which is precisely the tiredness, pessimism and exhaustion. Consciously or unconsciously, we are co-creating this planetary vibration.

    Energetic vibration on planet earth for 2019

    The advice for this year is to keep working in the light, keep vibrating high so that this thought can become a collective vibration and can reach everyone around us and, consequently, the whole world, only then will we be able to evolve more and more as human beings. Evolve in love, understanding and abundance.

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