Energetic Facelift: what is it and what is it for?

You've certainly thought about the possibility of getting rid of negative memories and bad feelings through therapy.

And consulting offices and attending psychotherapy sessions often constitute our concept of what it is like to go to therapy. To it, therapy, we always attach the idea of ​​revitalization or psychological and psychic improvement.

That's because there is no magic or snapping that is capable of invigorating and healing us, psychologically or physically. But did you know that there are not so well-known therapies that are able to help someone in this desired healing process?

Let's use our imagination: let's think of a therapeutic technique that, in addition to repelling bad experiences from your head and improving or solving your psychological difficulties, also transforms you into a more beautiful and rejuvenated person.

It may seem utopian, but this process exists and is called Energetic Facelift. Its benefits don't end there. Follow the article and discover the benefits of this method that promises to make you youthful and mentally healthy!

What is the Energetic Facelift?

The Energetic Facelift is a therapeutic tool belonging to Access Consciousness, a set of procedures that act with the aim of rejuvenating the skin, restoring defective cells and invigorating the body.

Energetic Facelift: what is it and what is it for?
ammentorp /123rf / Me Without Borders

Its creator, Gary Douglas, also managed to spread other therapy tactics associated with this compound of techniques, such as Access Bars, which also have the same objective as the Facelift.

The Facelift, in turn, is performed through gentle touches on strategic regions of the face, décolleté and neck. These touches are intended to restore the natural flow of energy, in addition to releasing the energy potential that remains inert in our body.

The inaction of this energy is indirectly responsible for the cultivation of psychological frustrations, regretful feelings and even a distressing state of sadness.

And the action of this energy, on the other hand, is released precisely through this contact between the energies of the hands (energetic neurotransmitters) and our skin.

This means that a well performed Facelift can generate immeasurable benefits, listed below.

Facelift: physical and mental benefits

With the Facelift, the muscles relax, we feel calm and the euphoria also suffers a noticeable decline. Bodily tensions are removed, the mood is calmed.

In the long and medium term, we can also notice reductions in expression lines, wrinkles and a (re)flowering of our youth, as rejuvenation takes care of our skin, and it becomes much more beautiful. That's all we can see!

And what can we feel? This is the point that is sometimes overlooked, but that should be very well emphasized: the Energetic Facelift also restores your resilience and sanity, promising to deliver significant gains in mental health.

It's tempting to resort to a therapy resource that promises aesthetic results, but have you also thought about using it as a powerful ally in the mental recovery process?

Energetic Facelift: what is it and what is it for?
Maria Orlova / Pexels / Me Without Borders

So it is! This treatment also promises the psychological and psychic release of obstacles, bad memories and negative sensations and/or feelings. All this thanks to this powerful manipulation of energy.

If you have traumatic memories or are sunk in a past of resentment, for example, the Facelift can be a great ally not only for forgetting these paths, but also for reconfiguration of a happy life in the present and in the future.

In addition, sessions of this powerful therapy, if repeated, can provide more self-awareness, self-knowledge, lightness, tranquility and, consequently, better interpersonal relationships, for example.

The intrapersonal aspect cannot be neglected either. Facelift sessions promise to improve even the glimpse and look you give yourself, restoring your self-esteem and self-confidence, sometimes lost by the harshness of life.

Now, if you found it interesting, how about understanding how a Facelift session works? Keep reading the article and learn how this promising tool works!

How does an Energy Facelift session work?

Although it may seem like a basic realization, and even simple reception on the part of the recipient, the session is complex. It lasts approximately 75 minutes, and there is no need to undress.

The Facelift is typically not an invasive or disrespectful tactic. We don't have to bear the effects of chemicals, cuts or similar inadequacies. Touches alone are enough, and sometimes there's no need to use them at all.

We lie on a bed, and the body therapist deals with the manipulation of our energy fields, acting directly in the release of energetically stagnant points, related to the psychic limitations, worries and fears that we have in life.

Energetic Facelift: what is it and what is it for?
fizkes / 123rf / Me Without Borders

The touches are not random, but, in fact, they are well motivated: the responsible professional is responsible for analyzing the patient and discovering, through the facial expression marks and the consultation, his feelings and his experiences.

Through this touch and touch, the therapist seeks the activation of 29 vibrational frequencies, also responsible for the exasperation of energy, an element necessary for the nutrition of our body.

This process of nutrition promoted through energy release, carried out by the therapist, will bring some immediate benefits, such as relaxation and a feeling of physical and psychological comfort.

If repeated, the benefits surpass even the most skeptical ones can imagine. Well-being, self-esteem, release of consciousness and a goodbye to negative memories and anxiety, for example, are some of those that have already been listed.

There are no contraindications in relation to performing the Facelift, and in fact, it is highly recommended to anyone, especially those who go through unstable psychological periods and feel they need to be revitalized and rejuvenated.

Remember: despite being a good method, the idea of ​​the Energy Facelift is not to override traditional methods, whether traditional medicine, clinical psychology or psychiatry. Never abandon a medical treatment for the isolated execution of an alternative therapy!

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Interested? Below you will find some places where you can perform the Energetic Facelift!

Juliana Salú – Self-knowledge / Access Bars® and Energetic Facelift® – São Paulo, SP – Phone: (11) 95042-1111.

Leger Clinic – Rio de Janeiro unit – Rio de Janeiro, RJ – (21) 4063-8333.

Carla Maria Forlin – CFMW and Facilitator of Access Bars® and Energetic Facelift® Classes – Curitiba, PR – (41) 99784-8908.

Milana Oliveira – Access Bars® and Energetic Facelift® Facilitator – Salvador, BA – (71) 99630-8289.

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