How to work on career self-confidence

    Self-confidence is one of the key ways to succeed in any โ€“ literally any โ€“ area of โ€‹โ€‹life. Whether in studies, in social, family or in the much-feared professional environment. By developing self-confidence, the person loses some fears and eliminates limitations that he imposed on himself, as we can see in shy and introverted people. Someone who is self-confident inspires those around him to believe in his own ability to do or accomplish something that he desires.

    In this way, self-confidence is not a unique benefit of those who have it. Since we are very young, we learn that trust is the basis of all relationships and, as we get older, we realize that it is the basis, even of work relationships, and that it can impact our career, since it is considered the fundamental fuel for good performance in the professional field; but why is it so difficult to relate the type of trust with others to the personal trust we have โ€“ or should have โ€“ in ourselves?

    For everything we do and especially at work, it is essential to have self-confidence. It is through her that you stop worrying so much when the work falls into your hands, for example, because you know you are qualified to do it and can handle the task; or when a decision is up to you to attract the desired results and you don't feel lost or hopeless, because you trust your professionalism. The question is simpler than it seems: if you, as a professional, trust yourself, there will hardly be situations of stress and insecurity when putting what you know into practice. Confident people are usually capable of producing far above average results. Furthermore, when we do not invest in our self-confidence, we miss the opportunity to see our gains and value our achievements. Nothing undermines self-confidence more than surrendering to fear and the feeling of insecurity and not allowing yourself to broaden your focus, your vision.

    However, career self-confidence doesn't happen overnight; it is necessary that you are willing to go on developing little by little. Just as you don't hand over your trust to a person you've only known for a short time, you also need to earn it even when it comes to yourself; it is your actions and behaviors that need to change so that you feel safe and start to have a healthier and more balanced professional life. Self-confidence is the result of good self-esteem and positive self-image, which can be worked on, including through self-knowledge, through the recognition of your skills and potential in your ability to perform tasks, believe in your own qualities and face adversity.

    Even being in increasingly competitive professional environments, self-confidence is still one of the main skills that differentiate an individual in the job market, being a characteristic that indicates that a person is successful, contrary to what happens to that person who has fear of taking risks for not trusting you and your work and staying only in your comfort zone. To develop self-confidence, you need persistence and attitude. And the main actions that can lead you to achieve this practice are: moving forward in the face of obstacles you will encounter in your professional day to day; persist even when everything seems unfavorable; understand that you can win by improving your strategies; and cultivate a good mood in front of people who try to belittle your dreams and plans.

    How to work on career self-confidence
    Designecologist / Pexels

    Some people are naturally confident, without needing to think about it. But for those who still need to acquire or improve this skill, it is important to keep in mind that the more you practice, the more self-confident you will become, whether in your personal environment or in your work routine; and this can bring several benefits, such as improving the realization of your projects, speaking in public or even leading a meeting.

    But make no mistake: self-confidence is very different from arrogance, and one should not lead to the other; arrogance is a behavior of power or privilege in relation to another, in which the person overestimates their own skills or abilities. Therefore, to be self-confident, it is essential to remember that this does not mean being better than anyone else.

    The path for you to stand out in the professional environment and become someone successful certainly depends on your ability to trust yourself and your skills. Now that you know the importance of self-confidence, don't wait any longer and follow some tips to develop this practice that brings many benefits to your personal life and career:

    How to work on career self-confidence
    bruce mars / Unsplash

    โ€“ Always stay well informed: the world is โ€œturning too fastโ€ and those who do not keep up to date on what is happening end up being left behind. It is important to be aware of the news in your area and general matters, since professionals who are not confident most of the time feel that way because they feel that they have little knowledge about the tasks they need to perform.

    โ€“ Be proactive: donโ€™t wait for your boss to delegate a role to you; be able to observe the environment and know what needs to be done. Proactivity also appears in moments when you are able to come up with an idea and are willing to be responsible for a task.

    โ€“ Work on your self-esteem: some difficult situations throughout our lives can cause us to develop low self-esteem, but it is possible to change that: when we truly know ourselves, we are able to understand what our greatest abilities are. A good exercise is to put yourself in front of a mirror and remember everything you've been through and, in this way, you will be able to understand, even with all the difficulties, that you have arrived where you are now and are able to go even further.

    โ€“ Donโ€™t give up when youโ€™re disappointed: no one is perfect or always gets it right. Many success stories are marked by continuous mistakes โ€“ see the stories of Walt Disney and Steve Jobs โ€“, which served as knowledge for the next achievements. Every professional is subject to making mistakes. Even having gone through frustrating moments, they should be left aside so that you don't give up on new ideas when the opportunity arises.

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    โ€“ Be mature in dealing with emotions: a self-confident professional must be able to calmly deal with adversities, having emotional control and maturity to overcome problems; if necessary, do not be afraid or ashamed to seek professional help to better control your feelings.

    โ€“ Practice self-care: when we stop practicing self-care, our appearance can show it and we end up not valuing ourselves. Paying attention to your appearance does not mean surrendering to aesthetic standards, but taking care of personal hygiene, choosing clothes you like and looking in the mirror and feeling good about your image, for example, will help you to recognize yourself in control of your own life.

    โ€“ Establish relationships: don't let shyness stop you from getting to know your co-workers, as you may end up not meeting inspiring people and maybe even making new friends. Finding people who look like you can make you see your company as a friendlier place, and meeting these people will make you more comfortable being who you are.

    โ€“ Donโ€™t compare yourself: have personal and professional goals and dreams, but don't compare yourself to those around you in the professional environment. Everyone has their own way to go.

    How to work on career self-confidence
    Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

    โ€“ Understand your body language: in your posture, people can identify trust and credibility and this view of the other about you can help build your self-confidence. It's also important to always maintain eye contact, as looking away indicates insecurity. Keeping your arms loose in a conversation demonstrates that you are receptive to what the other person is saying. Gesturing with your hands while talking demonstrates certainty about the information you are passing on. These are just a few tips, but you can observe others yourself by analyzing your body movement as you speak.

    โ€“ Get out of your comfort zone: it can keep you stagnant and not always where you are comfortable is best for you or your career. Don't be afraid to get into new activities, let alone be afraid to make mistakes. Proposing challenges to yourself will make you evolve and you may discover that you have more skills than you imagined.

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