Emotional intelligence: how to manage our emotions?

Let's learn to manage our emotions in order to achieve peace of mind and self-mastery! I'm going to talk to you about self-control and how important it is to learn to manage ourselves. And, at the very end, I will do with you, the Ho'oponopono for emotional intelligence.

We don't control 100 percent of life. Obviously not, because the factors and the unfolding of the different day-to-day situations do not depend only on us; it is true that it involves a series of circumstances, other people, nature itself, in short... but it is and will always be a determining factor for the countless possibilities or experiences you may have in your life, it is what is extremely linked to your emotional management , and also the way you deal with your feelings. And that implies your ability to manage the energies within you, of how you manage to deal with external energies, with the energies of other people, of how you manage the possibilities of influences from the collective unconscious in your life, of how you deal with everyday events, and especially with your actions and reactions to situations that happen to you during life... in short, how you deal with the consequences of it all.

Enjoying positive and beneficial situations in life is closely linked to the way you behave and react to events. And this is totally related to the way you perceive your emotions and manage them.

You will never stop feeling emotions. Feeling is part of the human experience. You are a rational being who thinks, who decides, who acts in practical life. But you are also an emotional being. And your actions are driven by your emotions. It's okay to feel fear, anger, sadness, insecurity, anyway... the problem is in the way you perceive it and manage it. What are the consequences that your emotions have brought? Have negative, destructive, blocking, demotivating actions been awakening in you? Or have they influenced you to take proactive, assertive actions that promote your self-development and growth, physical, mental and spiritual?

Empathy, for example, is a beneficial feeling; as well as pity, compassion, the feeling of generosity, charity (feelings involving love). These feelings and emotions that I just mentioned are extremely positive. But notice! Even in them, you will also need to know how to temper, mediate, balance... if you have an unusual empathy, you may need to seek self-management in this matter, because if your empathy is in excess, you may, for example, begin to feel the pain of the other, to the point of absorbing the dense and heavy energies that can negatively influence your energetic frequency and make you feel weakened, unmotivated, with your "dead batteries"... and then you can simply bring the energy field and vibrational from the other to yours. And depending on how you absorb it, your empathy, once out of balance, can close your paths.

Emotional intelligence: how to manage our emotions?
Black_Cherry_Spb / Shutterstock

Realize, that a balance is needed! Life asks us for balance. The Universe only exists because there is balance. Watch! We can benefit from the day, until the moment it ends, when the night rises, and the sun gives way to the moon. And then we will need to still, rest and sleep, to renew ourselves, so that, the next day, we can go into life with strength and renewed.

Watch nature! The trees are sometimes green and flowering, sometimes they are dry. Watch how a human being is generated! To generate a life, a sexual relationship between a man (yang) and a woman (yin) is necessary โ€“ then we have the creation of a new being. Realize that, always and always, we will need balance, the union of two poles. Not so much to the sky, but also not so much to the earth.

And it's no different inside you. Your feelings, your emotions, all of them, without exception, are not negative or positive. Everyone has their role, everyone acts on you at some point, in a certain type of situation, to help you decide in a way to preserve yourself, to protect yourself; to help you act, or even not act, at a certain time โ€“ it doesn't matter, not acting is also an action. The fact is: seeking to understand emotions and feelings brings self-knowledge, helps to live a more balanced life, so that you can be happy.

Emotional intelligence: how to manage our emotions?
Pheelings media / Shutterstock

Happiness lies in the ability to feel emotions, perceive feelings and not let yourself be dominated by them, but see them as your allies, who show you a path, a sign and a direction within yourself, so that you can , thus, direct your own life with your centering and inner peace.

Now let's go to Ho'oponopono. I will only do it 12 times, and you can feel free to do it as many times as you need! Do more, or do less! The intention here is not to do anything that is robotic. So follow your feeling, your spark! If you want, say this prayer together with me, on my YouTube channel! Just click on the video below:

ATTENTION! This text and this prayer were created by Hรฉrica Rodriguess and are duly registered and protected by copyright law. Any copy, whether written or audio, will be penalized by law. YOU CAN, however, embed them on your website, blog or channel. BUT plagiarism is prohibited! Content production requires a great deal of time, energy and money. Thanks for the comprehension!

๐Ÿ‘ I clean in myself the memories that connect me to you! I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘

Ho'oponopono for emotional intelligence

Let's start! Breathing 3 times:

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

Emotional intelligence: how to manage our emotions?
PK Studio / Shutterstock

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

Emotional intelligence: how to manage our emotions?
Ampol sandee / Shutterstock

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

God, please purify my emotions, my heart and my mind, so that I can navigate the world and deal with people and situations in life with serenity, tranquility and peace!

I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

I am a Divine being and I receive the grace and help of the GREATER LOVE!

So it's done!

Attention! Content released for the Eu Sem Fronteiras website. Protected by copyright law.

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โ€œHappiness lies in the ability to feel emotions, perceive feelings and not let yourself be dominated by them, but see them as your allies, who show you a path, a sign and a direction within yourself, so that you can thus direct his own life with his center and inner peace.โ€ โ€“ Hรฉrica Rodrigues

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