Eclipse Lunar Penumbral

Did you know that the first lunar phenomenon of the year 2020 occurred on January 10th? The long-awaited penumbral lunar eclipse occurred around 17:07 pm (España time) and was visible across much of Europe, Asia, Africa, Alaska, western Australia and the Indian Ocean. Unfortunately, it was not possible to observe it easily from España, but first of all, do you know what a penumbral lunar eclipse is? If you don't know, we'll tell you!

What is a penumbral lunar eclipse?

Generally speaking, a penumbral lunar eclipse looks the same as a normal Full Moon. In this phenomenon, the Moon remains visible, but with less brightness and a little smoke. It's like there's a penumbra in front of the Moon, and that's what makes this eclipse so special: you have to look carefully to notice the nuances.

How does it happen?

This eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are not fully aligned, but are positioned in the same order as we have described. From this position, a part of the sunlight cannot reach the Moon, which is located in an area called the penumbra zone. Speaking directly, this area is considered to be the edges of the Earth's shadow, but a lighter, weaker shadow.

In the cases of total and partial eclipses, a large part or the entirety of the Moon is in the zone of the “stronger” and darkest shadow of the Earth, also called the umbra zone. It is important to mention that any of the lunar eclipses occurs only in the Full Moon phase, because for these phenomena to occur, the Moon needs to be located opposite the Sun, behind the Earth.

Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
Winery image by Pixabay

Penumbral Eclipses in 2020

In the year 2020, there will be four penumbral eclipses. The first took place on the 10th of January, as described before, and, according to astrologers, will have been the most noticeable and intense of all. The next ones will be on June 5th, July 5th and November 30th – the first will be partially visible from España, and the last two will be fully visible to Españols.

The penumbral lunar eclipse that is scheduled for June 5th will begin at 17:45 pm, peak at 19:26 pm and end at 21:04 pm. The forecast for the 5th of July will start at 00:07, reaching the apex at 1:30h and ending at 2:52h. Finally, the one on November 30th will begin at 05:32 am, peak at 07:43 am and end at 09:53 am. Reminding everyone that it is Spain time.

It is worth noting that, on November 19, Spanish people will also be able to witness a partial eclipse.

See the most favorable locations to observe this year's penumbral eclipses and find out when they will be visible from España:

– January 10 – Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia – 17:07 in España;
– June 5th – Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia – 16:26 in España;
– July 5th – all of America, Africa and Europe – 1h31min in España;
– November 30th – all of America, Africa and Europe – 06h44min in España.

Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
Winery image by Pixabay

Tips for observing penumbral eclipses

To be able to satisfactorily contemplate the penumbral eclipse, it is ideal that you choose a place with few artificial lights. Try to find a spot close to where you live where you can clearly see the stars. This place will certainly be a great option to view the eclipse.

As much as this phenomenon is visible to the naked eye, a telescope or binoculars can provide you with a better experience.

How do penumbral eclipses affect human life?

As you already know, eclipses occur in Full Moon phases, which, for the spiritual world, represent conflicts, both between reason and emotion, and between conscious and subconscious.

During the period in which this phenomenon occurs, it is recommended that you reflect and try to have a clear awareness of everything that happens around you. Some relationships, such as family or couples, can reach an extreme at this point. To deal well with any event, try to fully observe everything that is happening.

Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
Image of Kerry Barbour by Pixabay
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Don't be surprised if at this stage you realize that your feelings are more evident or latent. Take some time for yourself and calmly reflect on your life. Penumbral eclipses can bring up some annoyances that you usually ignore, so try to solve them and enjoy the energy of the Moon in this phase.

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