5 Lessons We Can Learn From the Bible

The Holy Bible is the main book of Christianity, called the Word of God, precisely because it contains the teachings of the Lord, which were written by his prophets and followers. More than a rulebook, the Bible is a book with many stories from which we can learn a lot in our lives.

We prepared a list with 5 Bible Stories That Have Very Important Lessons and that can help us on our path, following the virtues taught by God and developing a personality and journey aligned with Him. Check out!

Jesus and the Injustice of Judgment

In the book of John (J7:53 – J8:11), there is a famous story, which gave rise to an expression that we still use today. The account is known as Pericope of the Adulteress and tells the story of a day when Jesus was surprised, while teaching in a temple, by men who were bringing an adulteress woman.

“Master, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Moses commanded us in the Law that such women should be stoned; So what do you say?” said the men. Jesus reflected for some time, then replied: "He that is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

In the face of this, no one dared to condemn and stone the woman. After everyone had left, embarrassed and reflective, Jesus asked the woman if anyone had condemned her, to which she replied no. “Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.”, concluded the Lord.

The lesson: From this story, we can learn two things. The first is that the fact that we also make mistakes simply prevents us from judging the other for their mistakes. Also, it comes with the second chance lesson for the one who made a mistake, who can repent and change.

Job's Faith and Patience

The book of Job narrates that this man, called Job, was the richest in the East in his time, with many properties, servants and animals. The story tells that Satan himself was surprised by Job's faith in God, but that he doubted that that man would remain faithful if he lost everything he had conquered so far.

So God allowed Satan to intervene in Job's life. Initially, Job lost his children, his possessions, and his health deteriorated. Even in the face of so much misfortune, Job did not blaspheme God, but remained patient and faithful that better days would come. Not even when Satan cast the disease of leprosy on him, did he change.

5 Lessons We Can Learn From the Bible
Jackson David / Unsplash

Talking with three friends, Job sees the three blaspheme God, but he remains impassive and faithful, whereupon God himself appears and rebukes them. So Job says: “Before I knew you from hearing you speak, but now my eyes see you”, while praying for his friends who had blasphemed.

Seeing that man who, despite having lost everything, still prayed for the souls of his dear friends, God was touched and reversed Job's suffering, giving him even more than he had in the past and a new family, in addition to another 140 years of life to enjoy it all.

The lesson: faith. When we lose our faith, even the slightest discomfort shakes us. Therefore, it is essential that we maintain our faith and patience to understand that things happen in God's time, not in the time we think is right.

Jonah and fate

In the book of Jonah, God manifests himself in the life of this man, Jonah, and asks him to go to a city called Nineveh to prophesy against the wicked behavior that was happening there, driving that people away from God.

Frightened or discredited by the presence of the Lord, Jonah decides to disobey orders and simply sets out on a sea voyage in another direction than the one indicated by God. so uA strong storm hits the boat, and, realizing that Jonah was to blame for it, the sailors throw him overboard..

Adrift, Jonah does not die only because he is swallowed by a whale — there, inside the whale, he spends three days and three nights. So he decides to pray to God and ask for help, committing himself to fulfill the mission given to him if he is saved from that situation. Then God saves him, and Jonah travels to Nineveh in gratitude.

The lesson: no matter how much we try to escape our destiny and what God has planned for us, sooner or later it will catch up with us. We cannot escape what is in store for us. The second lesson is obedience. When we disobey someone we owe respect, things can go very wrong…

Samson and the Watch

Samson was a well-known Nazirite — name given to men directly chosen by God to lead his people. He was one of the twelve judges who ruled Israel. God gave Samson superhuman strength, which he used to fight off enemy armies and neutralize threats, such as when he killed a lion with his bare hands.

But God gave him only one command, never to cut his hair, because his strength came from there. So it came to pass that Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah and, filled with love for her, let his guard down and revealed the secret that her strength depended on her hair not being cut.

5 Lessons We Can Learn From the Bible
GDJ / Pixabay

It turns out that Delilah was paid by the Philistines, Samson's enemies, to reveal her weakness. So they were able to capture Samson and weaken the armies of God's people, causing him to lose his leadership position among the Israelites..

The lesson: we must always be vigilant. It doesn't matter if we have the impression that we can trust someone, having a back foot is always necessary, because we never know which side a betrayal can come from.

Pontius Pilate and the washing of hands

When Jesus was arrested by the Jews, he was taken to Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor who commanded the region at the time. So Pilate interrogated Jesus, but at the end of the interrogation, he realized that this person was not guilty of any of the crimes they had been charged with.

Pilate understood that he was facing a prophet, but a prophet who had not committed any wrongdoing, only preached to the people. But the Jews insisted on the condemnation and death of Christ, to which Pilate, in order not to contradict the wishes of the people, succumbed.

At the moment when he, in front of a crowd, asks if they would rather see Jesus dead, the “false messiah”, or Barabbas, a murderer, and the people confirm that they want to see the death of Christ, Pilate washes his hands in water, as if to say: “It's your decision, don't blame me for it. I free myself from that guilt”.

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Then Jesus is arrested, tortured and crucified.

The lesson: when we see an evil or injustice happening and, like Pilate, “wash our hands”, that is, we do not stand against the evil, we become part of that evil, because we do not prevent it from happening. Therefore, we should always try to prevent evil, instead of turning a blind eye to it.

Anyway, these are some stories from the Bible that bring with them very important lessons, such as repentance, faith, patience, obedience and vigilance. If you want to learn much more, start reading this beautiful and important book!

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