Dream, but also do it!

    Dreaming is great, but fulfilling dreams is even better, isn't it? That's why we're going to give you valuable tips for you to get your dreams out of your mind and your goals on paper to turn all this into reality in your life.

    Have focus

    A waiter brings your drink on the tray; life doesn't bring your dreams in it. To reach your goals, you will need to work towards them. And that requires focus. Being a focused person means that if your goal is to lose weight, you won't skip the diet for a simple sweetie.

    If you want to travel, you're not going to spend the money you're saving for the trip on a bag. If your dream is to speak English, you will not miss a language course because it would be at the same time as the soap opera. Realize? You have to be focused on what you want in order for you to reach that goal up front.

    You reap what you sow

    It's very simple to understand: if you eat chocolate, you will consume a much higher number of calories than if you eat lettuce and tomato. So what will you reap from this attitude? Extra calories for your body. If your goal is to lose weight, you will reap something that will take you away from that goal.

    If you don't study, the chance of getting a zero on a test, failing a subject in college or not being prepared for a certain test is huge. You planted the fact that you didn't study. Most likely you will reap the disapproval. You reap what you sow. Have a goal? So fight for it and reap the rewards of all your efforts in the future.

    think about the future

    But, of course, human beings cannot be focused all the time. All people in the world have moments of weakness. Therefore, it is very important that you think about the future.

    When you're going through a moment of weakness, whether it's the difficulty in withholding candy, the desire to spend the money you're saving, giving up on a dream out of fear or shame, think about your future. How do you envision yourself ten years from now, how do you want to be? When you do this, you will have more strength to act on that goal.

    be happy in the present

    Do not fool yourself. The road to reaching a goal is an arduous one, made up of many sacrifices. But even those sacrifices should make you happier. In other words: an athlete stops going out with friends and going to parties, among many other things, which, for him, are sacrifices, so that he can achieve his goal of winning a certain competition. He gives up all that to train every day. Therein lies the secret: he makes sacrifices, but even so, he enjoys everyday life.

    Then be happy now is also important. If you want to become a doctor, you need to enjoy studying – at least the subjects that will be part of your everyday life. If you want to become an athlete, you need to enjoy training. Even when you go on a diet because you want to lose weight, the beginning can be difficult, but over time you start to enjoy the workout routine and healthy eating.

    Dream, but also do it!

    don't be lazy

    It's also important that you don't be lazy. Always remember: procrastination only delays your life. No one gains anything by sitting on the couch thinking about living instead of actually living. Don't get me wrong, of course everyone needs a little time off sometimes, but when laziness becomes recurrent, rethink your routine.

    Be picky but not a perfectionist

    Beat laziness! You will be able to do this by being demanding with yourself, that is, cover yourself more. Why stay on the couch all afternoon? Stay for half an hour to rest. Then go do something that helps you get even closer to your dreams.

    Just watch out: be demanding, not perfectionist. Often, when a person is a perfectionist, he gives up on many goals because he realizes that he cannot meet his own expectations. That's right, she will never make it, after all no one is perfect, right? Perfectionism is not good; requirement is.

    dream and do

    Allied to the requirement is the ability to perform. In the end, if you can dream it, you can do it, and absolutely no one can say otherwise. After all, when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, did anyone believe it was possible? When the first plane was created, did anyone think it would actually fly? Albert Einstein was also called crazy so many times…

    Do not give up

    The number of people who give up midway is much greater than the number of people who fail. Then, put fear aside and don't give up. You may have to try more than once before you succeed, but learning from your mistakes e recognizing your qualities, you will definitely get it. Repeat: I will make it. I will. I WILL GET IT.

    don't listen to judgments

    Those who try to stop you, by judging you or harming you in any way, you must eliminate from your life. People who really like us support and help us, not the other way around. accept constructive criticism, as it will help you a lot to complete your goals even faster, but don't listen to the judgments.

    Dream but also do

    Finally, do. That's it. Go back. Start right now. What are you waiting for?

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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