Domino effect

About being present not to verbalize.

This post is for those who are already on the path of self-knowledge and self-observation, but who, like me, still make mistakes.

Keeping a presence in what we emit through our mouths is a healthy and arduous exercise. It's practicing yoga off the mat. I'm not just referring to the quality of what to say, but also what to say and when.

Domino effect

Especially when something touches us, or stirs up some emotional fragility, or goes totally against some principle or belief, at least for me it is quite difficult to β€œhold my tongue”. Many times, but many times, I swallow something I wanted to get out, and in most of them, I end up being grateful, because when it passes, I see that I haven't offended or touched on any weak point of the other. But others, I just say and end up, sometimes, triggering a domino effect.

It is true that everything we release to the outside will have repercussions in some way. After all, we will never know exactly how those who will listen to what we have to say will react. The other has his difficulties too, and may be at a different level of consciousness than you. So today I came to say that it is important, perhaps even essential, to remain present in words! You don't have to expose everything you think or feel. You don't need to rub any of your ideas on someone who doesn't agree with your point of view.

Opening your mouth just to edify, love or share similar ideas and ideals.

I say this to you who read me. I say this to myself.

Proverbs 13

β€œHe who keeps his mouth guards his life, but he who talks too much ends up ruining himself.”

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