Does your home have personality? Check out the Home Stories blog

    always behind a home, there are stories. Even behind a renovation. Any construction of a space can tell a story and in it there can be affection, as well as memories. Thinking about telling a little more about decoration, but without forgetting about the memories and affections that are behind a house, interior designers Bruna Lourenço and Paula Passini created the blog Histórias de Casa two years ago. Check out the interview that Bruna gave us:

    Me without Borders: Who are the creators of HistĂłrias de Casa?

    Does your home have personality? Check out the Home Stories blog

    Stories from Home: Histórias de Casa is a blog created by Bruna Lourenço and Paula Passini. We are both interior designers, however, we graduated at different times and colleges. Currently, we dedicate ourselves full time to the production of content for the blog and our clients.

    Eu sem Fronteiras: How did HistĂłrias de Casa website come about and for how long?

    Stories from Home: We created HistĂłrias de Casa not knowing where it would lead, but with a strong desire to produce different content. Me (Bruna) and Paula have similar tastes and have always been passionate about decoration blogs, but we missed a Spanish blog that had really authorial content. The blog completed two years in October 2016 and we are very happy with the engagement of readers, who have been following us since the beginning.

    Me without Borders: What is Home Stories?

    Stories from Home: Histórias de Casa is a blog that talks about decoration, but also about affection, lifestyle, memories… More than simply showing beautiful houses, what we want is to inspire readers to have a more affective and personal relationship with your home.

    Me without Borders: Have you always had a taste for architecture or the stories behind every renovation, construction of a space or home?

    Stories from Home: Yes, architecture and decoration have always enchanted us. It's natural for us to want to discover the stories behind each space, after all, spaces are made by people and they all have a style, a taste, a preference... This directly impacts the atmosphere and look of the houses.

    Eu sem Fronteiras: What is a harmonious space for you?

    Does your home have personality? Check out the Home Stories blog

    Stories from Home: It's a house that has the owner's personality translated into furniture and decoration objects.

    Eu sem Fronteiras: For those who are looking to make a change in their house, but have little money, what tips would you give?

    Does your home have personality? Check out the Home Stories blogStories from Home
    : For those who want to change the look of the house, but are low on money, our main tip is to renew accessories, such as pillows, rugs and paintings. Another idea is to dive into DIY (do it yourself) projects.

    Me Without Borders: Are there many stories behind a house?

    Stories from Home: Yes, all the houses we visited have very interesting memories and stories. Some linked to renovation, others to furniture passed down from generation to generation, travel souvenirs, etc.

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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