Holochain? Blockchain? Cryptocurrencies? What is all this?

    I believe that, at some point in the last few years, you must have heard about some of these topics: Blockchain, Holochain, Cryptocurrency, Sociocracy, Flownomy, Creative Economy, Sharing Economy, Disruptive and so many other topics that are being talked about, discussed and experienced. by a lot of nice people (scholars, curious people, doctors, masters, specialists, etc…), both in Spain and in other countries.

    Did you find it complicated, don't you understand almost anything? Alright, don't worry @, soon we'll delve into these topics.

    It was with this in mind that a lot of nice people decided to research, discuss and share these themes over a 2-year journey called New Economies, which was created by dear Alex Bretas, creator of Oniversidade, a kind of informal university, with a highly interesting proposal where it talks about self-learning, self-directed learning, informal doctorate and much more.

    In March of this year, the first group of restless people appeared, who wanted to know more about what is happening today.

    And just like you, I was also curious to know a little more about these topics so talked about these days and I signed up to participate in this journey and discover more about this rich world that is constantly growing.

    Stay tuned, because there are already a lot of interesting events happening in several cities in Spain and around the world on these topics, from workshops, lectures, hackaton and much more. Want to know more about this universe that is no longer so parallel? Follow me on social media and here, as I'll keep you up to date on what's going on in this incredibly abundant sphere.


    Holochain? Blockchain? Cryptocurrencies? What is all this?


    Over the next few months, I intend to talk a little more about each of these topics. Interested? Want to know more about which specific topic? Send me a message telling me a little more about the topics that you think can be addressed, and I will be delighted to talk to the beasts that are breaking and making it happen in our very dynamic and exponential world that we are currently living.

    Holochain? Blockchain? Cryptocurrencies? What is all this?

    Come with me!

    Send your questions to:





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