Do you think you are the center of the world? Stop living in a bubble

Perhaps this phrase reflects well on that person you know who thinks the world revolves around him. But, have you ever stopped to think that from time to time you also act the same way? Or rather, have you ever stopped to realize that you live in a bubble?

Your bubble is your little world, it's that place where anthropocentrism asserts itself and where you live most of the time. She is that part of you that cares about your well-being, appearance, career, and personal pleasure.

Theoretically, this bubble seems to be something beneficial to the human being, as a chance to connect with oneself, but it also has its downsides, from the excessive appreciation for safety to that stage where everything that happens around you becomes something personal. For example:

  • In your world, when someone expresses an opinion that is different from yours, you tend to take it as an offense, as a declaration of war on your person, when, in fact, the other is just explaining an idea of ​​theirs, nothing to do with you.
  • In your world, you are extremely attached to comfort and safety, often harming your health, such as when you don't eat right or don't exercise.
  • Sometimes, even in your world, insecurity reigns. The fear of others not liking the way you look or feel is something that often makes your relationships difficult.
  • In your comfortable world, you are afraid of taking risks and, as a result, failing. Which, despite keeping you in a safe zone, keeps you away from new horizons and, above all, from your dreams.
  • In your world, you want people to act a certain way, and when they don't, you get angry or disappointed.
How to burst this bubble

Do you think you are the center of the world? Stop living in a bubbleOnce you've recognized the signs, ideally, burst that bubble before it becomes your newest prison. The first step is to realize that there are other worlds besides yours. Listen to the people around you, share their pains and joys, try to make someone's day better, whether it's helping a lady cross the street, telling a good joke to someone who is sad, or simply giving a helpless friend a hug, everyone knows that the intention is what matters.

Now, on a more personal level, invest in yourself: put laziness aside and adopt healthy habits; Get rid of your fear and take more risks, don't give up on your dreams for being a coward when you think you don't have enough strength for it, because, honestly, you are capable.

The secret to bursting the bubble lies in your ability to harness your life — and your world — to a greater purpose, like your own health, your life goals, and why not other people's worlds?

You may not even expose it, but you certainly have your moments when you feel at the center of the world. However, when working on this, you discover that not everything people say is to reach you, and mainly: that the world does not revolve around you, but that you revolve around the world.

In general, the important thing is not to let these anthropocentric moments become routine, since by accepting that the world is an infinite complex of bubbles, you have the incredible chance to observe the beauty of each one.

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