Do you know spiritual labyrinthitis?

Labyrinthitis, a term used in everyday life, is the name for all disorders of the labyrinth, which is an internal structure of the ear composed of the cochlea (fundamental for our hearing), the vestibule and the semicircular canals (which play an important role in the our balance). Therefore, problems in this area can affect the ability to hear and, mainly, generate physical imbalance, with dizziness and possible falls.

In addition, labyrinthitis can also have emotional causes, according to Body Language. And, in a more integral view of the human being, it can still be related to an aspect of spirituality, being called Spiritual Labyrinthitis, subject of this article. Read to the end and discover a different way of understanding this disorder.

What is spiritual labyrinthitis?

Physical labyrinthitis has as symptoms dizziness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, headache, pressure inside the ear, loss or reduction of hearing, tinnitus and secretions coming out of the ear, fever above 38ยบ C, sweating, drop in hair and anxiety. The emotional one also has symptoms related to stress, sadness, easy crying, changes in appetite and others originating from anxiety and depression.

Science has already discovered, through studies and experiments in quantum physics and other areas, that bodies have a magnetic field full of energy, which emits and attracts vibrational frequencies. In the case of people, they relate to the thoughts and feelings that each one carries within and that are capable of interfering with physical conditions.

Thus, a person can have spiritual labyrinthitis, with symptoms very similar to some of the physical labyrinthitis and emotional labyrinthitis. So they manifest with:

  • ringing in the ear;
  • Pressure inside the ear;
  • Loss of balance;
  • Headache;
  • Stress;
  • Sadness;
  • Concerns;
  • Irritability;
  • Crowded dances;
  • Food changes.

In any case, medical conduct is increasing in the sense of understanding the patients' spirituality and supporting therapeutic processes that value it, in a more integral view of the human being. In fact, they align with the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), which considers the spiritual dimension in the concept of multidimensional health, regardless of any specific type of religious belief or practice.

Along these lines, the Unified Health System (SUS) has also been adopting alternative therapies in the physical treatment of some diseases, disorders and disorders. Thus, some meditation, reiki and relaxation sessions, for example, may be indicated by some doctors, in addition to conventional treatments, as the aim is to generate well-being and rapid recovery.

In addition, in the spiritualist view, the symptoms mentioned above are indicative that there are obsessive situations that the person may be going through, carried out by spirits that are wandering lost on Earth, taking away the tranquility, for not finding peace and eternal rest. Also called "back", they need to get "food", which is the ectoplasm or the vital energy that comes out of the mouth and navel of the one they chose, for being in a facilitating vibration of these events.

It is worth noting that these spirits may not be genuinely evil, but disembodied spirits who are still in darkness or trapped in this plane. They may even be family members who have passed away and cannot let go of those they loved in earthly life. They end up interfering to the point that people are unable to lead a full, harmonious and beneficial life for all. Chico Xavier, for example, went through events of spiritual labyrinthitis in the 1950s and was guided by his ascended masters to keep calm and persevere on his path of spirituality.

How to treat spiritual labyrinthitis?

Although labyrinthitis has a spiritual cause, the treatment proposed by the otorhinolaryngologist, the specialist most suitable for diagnosing the physical disorder, must be strictly followed. Concomitant to it, some actions more focused on spirituality can be adopted. Look:

Do you know spiritual labyrinthitis?
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  1. Say prayers, asking for restoration, peace and light on yourself and on the disembodied spirits. Read Psalms 96 and 66.
  2. Close the belly button during the day with a tape for 60 days. Remove at night, before bed.
  3. Keep a pot of basil near you. Among aromatic herbs, this one has the power to drive away sad, dissatisfied or troubled spirits.
  4. Make a thick salt bath: in a large bucket (about 18 liters), dissolve two cups of salt and reserve a dry handful. Light a white candle in the bathroom and three rosemary incense sticks, preferably. Rosemary is one of the most important herbs to ward off treacherous spirits and take the edge off environments. Take your bath routine. Afterwards, rinse the body, throwing all the water with the dissolved coarse salt, from the neck down, all over the body. Take the reserved amount of salt in your hand and press it on the back of your neck for a few minutes. Dry the body with a white towel. Finally, circle one of the incense sticks counterclockwise around you, asking God and your guardian angel for deliverance and protection.
  5. Promote cleaning in your home using a blue dye (indigo) diluted in water, especially on the floors and walls of the kitchen and bathroom.
  6. Include in your routine practices such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, music therapy, reiki, Thetahealingยฎ, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and other therapies that work in different ways and help with energy alignment.
  7. Connect to spirituality, whether through self-knowledge or your religion, to reflect on your own essence, life purpose, emotions, feelings and relationships.

How to prevent the approach of spirits that cause spiritual labyrinthitis?

In order to avoid spiritual labyrinthitis, in addition to keeping attention focused on a healthy lifestyle, self-knowledge and spiritual development, a very simple and at the same time very effective way is initially to remain calm and show perseverance. Troubled spirits give up when they can't master.

Allan Kardec, in โ€œThe Spirits' Bookโ€, clarifies that an obsession process is the persistent mental action that a spirit still in darkness practices on another or some person, behaving inconsequently, to influence the one who is suffering the harassment, can cause physical disorders.

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So, when attuning to lower vibrations, the person ends up being weakened and predisposed to the physiological and emotional effects of these spirits. Therefore, to keep them away, it is necessary to keep the vibration pattern high. To do this, it is important:

  1. Pray a prayer daily asking God, Jesus and the guardian angel to keep the unhappy spirits away. Raise the energy standard.
  2. Avoid complaining about everything and everyone. According to Steven Parton, an American scientist and philosopher, complaining changes the structure of the brain and makes it more prone to create negative thoughts, with synapses that keep the memory of these ideas, generating a vicious circle and attracting more negativity to the energy field.
  3. Take care not to inadvertently judge or criticize others. By engaging in such behaviors, stress is created and the mind generates thoughts and internal dialogues that cause anger, resentment, and irritation. It also generates animosity and misunderstanding, allowing negative energies to circulate, leaving the environment heavy in the midst of dissatisfaction, demands and frustrations.
  4. Practice forgiveness to those who offend us. When forgiving, there is no permanence of hurt and resentment, which are negative feelings that prevent the individual from moving forward, leaving him stuck in the past. It is a liberating, intelligent and mature attitude that opens up new possibilities for personal satisfaction and self-knowledge. In addition, it connects to the divine and expands consciousness, raising the energetic pattern.
  5. Saying prayers to those who don't love us. In addition to being an exercise to reach forgiveness, they promote connection with higher energies, which ward off bad influences. This attitude represents the belief in God's unconditional love and in the fact that everything converges in perfect harmony. Also pray for the disembodied loved ones to be in the Light.
  6. Practicing charity or volunteering indiscriminately. This action involves feelings such as empathy, generosity and solidarity. It triggers the discovery of talents and strengths. In addition, it elevates thoughts and generates kindness, placing practitioners in a vibration of love and understanding that makes it difficult for unhappy spirits to influence.
  7. Exercise gratitude for everyone and everything. This behavior leads to the production of hormones of happiness, with an impact on physical and mental health, as well as promoting spiritual connection, raising the understanding of the unity of life and the interdependence of beings. Grateful people live at a higher energetic frequency.
  8. Do constructive readings. It is important to keep in touch with literary works that arouse good feelings, good reflections, good ideas and noble actions. The type of reading promotes the attraction of disembodied spirits, the more the less evolved. The reader becomes a catalyst of energies. Thus, being a good book, it attracts spirits that vibrate in the frequency of good, which strengthen good thoughts and feelings. The same goes for music.
  9. Keep plants such as: me-nobody-can, basil, rosemary and rue at home, as they ward off troubled spirits.
Do you know spiritual labyrinthitis?
processingly / Unsplash

In conclusion, labyrinthitis can compromise an individual's hearing and balance, bringing undesirable and disabling symptoms of variable duration. It is also known that emotional issues influence the emergence of crises. In addition, in a spiritualized view, spiritual labyrinthitis is believed to be the manifestation of dissatisfied spirits that have not detached themselves from this plane and wish to nourish themselves with people's energy.

Therefore, maintaining healthy and de-stressing habits of life are measures to prevent labyrinthitis crises. In the same way, self-knowledge, the development of spirituality and the practice of actions that strengthen and privilege good attitudes and good feelings collaborate to maintain energies at a frequency that makes it difficult for less enlightened spirits to act. So connect to your essence and higher vibrations. Expand your consciousness and seek to maintain health, balance and peace.

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