Do you feel older than you really are?

    If I may, this text will be in first person. It would be impossible to talk about something that is so inherent to my personality in third person. Obviously I know I'm not the only one who has felt this way, because over the years I've been lucky enough to meet other people who also feel that way. I was born old, I always felt older than my ID card told me. For a long time I felt out of place because of this, but I must say that it passed.

    Over time, I discovered that these people are called β€œOld Souls” (old souls), and that, sorry for people considered normal, but we can be much more interesting. It is proven, for example, that people like this tend to be more interested in the things they propose to do, that it is this type of person that others seek for advice and that we know how to enjoy the good things in life like good food, a good chat and a good rest. Basically, we know how to appreciate the little things and the pleasure they are able to give us.

    When I was a kid I took an IQ test so I could skip preschool to first grade; my parents thought i was very smart or some kind of child prodigy probably, but now i know that I just wanted to stop dating kids the same age as me; even a year was already a giant leap.

    I was one of those people who at the beginning of the year liked to buy the material list so I could buy a pile of books, and I wasn't exactly a nerd, I just found the world of letters more interesting than the world of games. Calm down, I wasn't an ET, I played with dolls too, but almost always my friends in the neighborhood were at least two or three years older than me. Maybe they were the opposite of me, does β€œNew Souls” exist? Without a doubt, yes.

    When I grew up a little bit and reached adolescence that's when I was sure I didn't belong at that time. It was impossible to deal with so many hysterical and silly people. I was kind of ashamed of some girls my age and thought they looked like babies with big legs.

    My parents and my family in general said that I was like this because I was the youngest – I am 14 years apart from my sister – and because I was only raised by older people. But what about school? And the friends? I always had relationships – even if out of obligation – with people my age, but I never fit in.

    Do you feel older than you really are?

    Until I came out of adolescence, entered adulthood, graduated from college, started working and realized that it was much easier to relate to older people. When we leave school, it becomes easier to have people of different age groups in our lives. And that's when I saw that I was really born old.

    My concern was that I would never stop feeling this way, but today I can say with certainty that, at 33, I finally feel the age my soul should be. Magically, it all started to make sense. And I even relate to people close to my age with no major problems, although I have a friend of mine asking me to go to a show – which has always been one of my favorite things to do – and I'm declining with some conviction. Watching it on my TV has felt much more comfortable.

    I don't know if this happens to everyone, I think each person must have a biological clock working at some different rotation and intensity from their mental and astral clock. Maybe you never stop feeling old. Maybe you always feel new. Wants to know? What matters is that you feel good, whether with your hot chocolate, your bitter coffee or your cold beer at the nearest bar, with your clubs or with your duvet and Netflix. Allow yourself to be who you are, in the way that makes you happy.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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