Do I date a sociopath?

Before we answer this complicated question, it is necessary to understand what the true meaning of sociopathy is.

We can define sociopathy as hostile, impulsive and antisocial behavior, which can be characterized as a personality disorder.

In general, sociopaths do not consider the opinions and feelings of other individuals and do not have any kind of attachment to what we call values ​​and morality. They are able to simulate feelings in order to manipulate people.

But then, what is the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths? Both psychopathy and sociopathy are considered antisocial disorders and have as common characteristics a total disregard for norms, laws and the rights of other individuals, more violent behavior and a lack of guilt feelings.

However, sociopathic individuals are extremely antisocial but are capable of forcing and faking feelings, making them appear to be totally content or at ease when in fact they are not. Psychopaths, on the other hand, are, most of the time, popular and extremely charming people, who even occupy important positions of leadership, and use this situation to attract and manipulate those around them, to satisfy themselves and achieve benefits.

According to experts in the field of psychology, the world population has about 3% of psychopaths, and these end up recidivism for up to three times more than common criminals.

But how do you know if that sweet, sweet, totally awesome new boyfriend or someone very close to you is, in fact, a sociopath? According to Dr. Martha Stout, American psychologist, four out of every hundred people is a sociopath. But despite the alarming number, it is necessary to point out that not all sociopaths are dangerous or criminals.

Here are some of the warning signs that can identify if your loved one is actually a sociopath.

Do I date a sociopath?

1st Alert – Keep a more intense look

In general, individuals with this type of personality disorder have no difficulty maintaining explicit gaze contact, a more intense gaze, without interruption.

2nd Alert – Excessive Ego

Another common characteristic of sociopaths is that they have an inordinate sense of self. This means that they are extreme narcissistic beings, who end up blaming others for their faults.

3rd Alert- Display behaviors of manipulation and too many lies

Sociopathic individuals tend to manipulate and deceive those around them very often. This is because they like to measure the power they wield over other people.

4th Alert – Disrespect for everything and everyone

Another sign that you may be dating a psychopath can be observed by the total disregard for norms, laws and society in general.

5th Alert - Lack of empathy

Unlike most individuals, sociopaths do not have a significant interior of emotions in their personality and, therefore, they cannot measure or just imagine the emotional side of others.

6th Alert – They live without thinking about the consequences, they only think about pleasure

Sociopaths love to do whatever crazy things come to their mind, especially if they've exercised pleasure. They take life in an extreme, fast-paced way and seek excitement, stimulation and pleasure at any cost.

Do I date a sociopath?

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7th Alert – Absence of shame and remorse

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, individuals with this type of personality disorder do not feel guilt, remorse, or shame.

8th Alert - They don't have many friends

In general, we can say that sociopaths don't have many friends, at least not real friends. That's because they don't want it, except in cases where they need them.

9th Alert – They tend to have an impulsive and totally irresponsible behavior

Individuals with this disorder tend to act in the heat of the moment and change goals quickly. Therefore, they tend to maintain and behave impulsively and irresponsibly in the extreme, especially when it comes to obligations and finances.

10th Alert – They tend to maintain in more dangerous situations, a tranquility that comes to frighten

It is common to observe that sociopaths, when exposed to situations of fear or considered dangerous, do not show any kind of reaction, or even a frightening tranquility.

11th Alert - Charming people (at least that's what they seem)

As a last characteristic of sociopaths, we can say that they are totally charming, sympathetic and charismatic individuals, especially with people who they think will get what they really want or who are capable of helping them. In other words, they are true masters of disguise. They use as their main tool the creation of new and superficial characters. 

Text written by FlΓ‘via Faria Santos from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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