discover what we are

At what point in life can we discover what we are?

Today, right now at this very moment, when you are reading this article, a questioning, a light, a disquiet, a desire to get out of suffering, a curiosity, a disillusionment, a lukewarm, meaningless life, whatever the motivation, there will come a moment when we will ask ourselves this question…. Who I am? What is my real identity? What's behind everything I represent to be?

The first step is to get out of the wrong functioning of the mind, that is, out of illusions, out of hypnosis, waking up from a dream. But how is this possible?


Watching your mind, you begin to distance yourself from emotions, and habits of thought fall away.

Thinking about the problem doesn't solve the problem, but it usually brings up not very pleasant emotions, and the emotion brings another bad thought, and when you realize you're sad, nervous, depressed, this cycle sets in practically every moment your mind interprets a situation, a fact, or experiences that you live, whether experiences of joy or pain. For even the joys of life can be observed to gain clarity on what joy brings me, how to live it in a way that brings me peace and balance.

Emotions need to be lived, felt as something separate, until they dissolve.

discover what we are
andreapiacquadio/ pexels

For example, "if I'm angry", it's convenient to feel it in my body, breathe it in and release it, if I observe my emotion, I can touch its base, and I get out of automatic thoughts that don't bring me any benefit, the what happens most of the time is that we get stuck in thoughts, not looking to feel and feel what we have to feel. That doesn't mean we have to go around expressing our anger and taking it out on people. One suggestion, in the case of anger, that I recommend is to do bodywork to release the anger energy trapped in the body. Do half an hour on the treadmill, for example. I'm sure the body's intelligence will take care of expelling a lot of this repressed anger or at least reducing its strength, even if it's through physical fatigue, and in the worst case you still lose weight...

Watch your thoughts, release them, don't hold on to them as absolute truth, neither the "good" nor the "bad", see how and when emotions arise in your body, if you feel jealous of someone, don't blame yourself for that, or the person, for having a life you want to have, don't torture yourself with thoughts about the scene, focus on your feeling, and stay with that feeling. We have to come to see all the feelings and emotions inherent to the human experience, if we feel envy, for example, it is because we were allowed to feel, the conception of sin and evil imprisons us in denial, to deny something that is in me is to destroy my potentials and resources for my own evolutionary process.

When we have this ability to observe, the authentic path begins.

discover what we are

So far I haven't mentioned any knowledge, any technique, anything that comes from logical thinking, because it's not in the mind that we're going to find our real identity.

Discovering my identity is extremely creative and transformative, I must look carefully and carefully at how my life works, feelings, thoughts, ideas, relationships.

Through observation, letting go of thoughts, and sustainably experiencing my emotions, I begin to enter the path of Lucidity, and the state of Lucidity is always accompanied by love, love beyond the “good” and “bad” manifestations, detached love. of desires and attachments.

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But what does all this have to do with finding out who I am?

I begin to discover my real identity through the Observation/Contemplation of my internal world, disidentifying what is false. But what is false? Past and future, they do not exist, but if the mind lives in these spheres it is in an illusory world, and the illusory world creates any kind of conflict, expectations, false ideals, pains, fears, attachments, grudges…

When you start to gain Lucidity, it is as if you are on a path of golden arrows, on this path you discover yourself and connect to the Whole.

Only lucidity, the taking of Consciousness, will free a person from suffering.

“I will act moved by the Intelligence of life and not by my desires and fears. I won't have the desire to act, but I won't stop acting because of that. I will remain serene in the peace and joy that flow from your being, regardless of external changes.”

Consuelo Martin
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