Discover the Green School

    Sustainability is an ideal that we increasingly seek to achieve for a healthier life for society and the environment. But one of the barriers we still face in order to have an increasingly sustainable world is teaching people to have the right conscience and mindset for that. When we talk about solving the problem, what would be more ideal to solve it than teaching sustainable ideas and practices from childhood? With that in mind, the Green School was created in Bali, Indonesia.

    The school is located in one of the most scenic places in the world and has the ideal of teaching children in a holistic, natural and student-centered way. Children from primary to high school can study there and have classes that encourage the development of various skills and abilities such as: physical and motor development, social awareness, language learning, cognition, artistic expression, knowledge of the world and Indonesian language.

    Discover the Green School

    Holistic teaching is a type of teaching that focuses not only on mathematical logical intelligence, but on four types of knowledge: emotional, intellectual, expressive and physical, which address both internal and spiritual and external and social aspects of the human being.

    This is an important point for us to reflect on what kind of education we want for the new generations that are entering school. Why focus only on skills that get you into college and the job market and not teach kids to be more human and socially aware and also have artistic expression skills? It seems that the Green School has a lot to teach us about how we educate our children.

    The Green School teaching method has already become a reference in the world and even won an award in 2012 for “Greenest School on Earth”. This shows how combining sustainability and education is the way to a more harmonious and balanced future.

    Discover the Green School

    The building in which the school operates was built entirely in bamboo and follows all international standards of sustainability. Another great example to follow!

    According to the school's website: "Our vision is a natural, holistic, student-centered, learning environment that empowers and inspires our students to be green, innovative and creative leaders."

    If you are interested in the school and want to know more about it, visit the official website and Facebook page. 

    • Written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

    Images taken from the Green School Facebook.

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