Discover Multidimensional Therapy – Healing Through the Heart

This is an energy therapy that, respecting the law of free will and acting through the heart chakra, allows harmonizing and healing the physical, etheric, emotional (or astral), mental and spiritual bodies, working with the energies of love, peace. and of forgiveness. It is, in fact, a consciousness-raising therapy, where the therapist acts as a channel. Being an energy tool, the service can be done remotely.

The therapy was born in 1989, in France, through channels of the Beings of Light by Hélène Abiassi, and later joined forces with the Portuguese João Paliteiro.

I came across this therapy by chance, at a time when I was becoming aware that I had created a belief that people would not take me seriously if I talked about spirituality in my work. That day, I, who almost never click on social media referrals, saw this warning, and 5 minutes later I was enrolled in the training. At the end of the course, when doing my first session, I felt very emotional; I cried like a child! And I accepted the call.

Discover Multidimensional Therapy – Healing Through the Heart

Why Multidimensional Therapy?

When we decide to incarnate in a physical body, we make several agreements necessary for our evolution. After a while, according to our merits, some of the contracts made become unnecessary, and we can ask the Beings of Light for their release and learning through love rather than pain.

In fact, it's always good to remember that everything we say are affirmations, and they can turn into contracts. When you say, "I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life" or "I'm never going to make money," you're making a contract.

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When to use this therapy?

Whenever there are blockages that prevent us from fully exercising our potential on earth and feeling at peace, blockages that originate on a spiritual and multidimensional level. Problems related to self-esteem, disharmonious relationships, dealing with feelings related to loss (mourning, divorce), disputes (inheritance, custody, problematic separations), healing from repetitive patterns and limiting beliefs, healing the inner child, in short, everything can be addressed at these levels. , always remembering that this is a healing that respects free will and requires permission from your Higher Self and Beings of Light to take place.

In a more practical way, it can be used, just to name a few, in the following cases (remembering that in every session the chakras are aligned):

– overcoming the so-called “dark night of the soul”, a phase of life in which the person begins to undress their old self to make way for a more evolved self, but it is still not clear which path to take (profession, relationship , home);

– clarity in resolving issues and making decisions;

– forgiveness of oneself and others, freeing oneself from guilt;

– healing low vibration emotions such as anger, sadness, depression, apathy, lack of energy, low self-esteem, jealousy, fear;

– opening of financial and professional, spiritual paths;

– disputes (inheritances, divisions, custody, problematic separations), especially when they involve someone who is no longer present;

– healing of personal, loving and professional relationships – disharmony, contracts made in this life or in a past life that bind two people who no longer do each other well, jealousy, insecurity, fear;

– termination of contracts and vows, such as poverty and chastity made in this life or in past lives; to “love forever” a certain person;

– rebalancing the masculine and feminine (yin and yang);

– healing of feelings linked to the loss (or the possibility of loss) of a loved one – bereavement, divorce;

– healing the inner child and what is related to it (parental abandonment, rejection, violence);

Discover Multidimensional Therapy – Healing Through the Heart

The session lasts about 1:00. In the first consultation, patients usually report a feeling of peace and relaxation. Therapy is subtle, and it is important to be aware of the signs that the Universe brings regarding what is asked of the Beings of Light.

As a therapist I listen to the client and help him to understand if that is the best tool for his case, indicating another when necessary.

To conclude, I leave a self-healing exercise to increase self-confidence that we are taught in the course: repeating the phrase “I love myself, I forgive myself, I respect myself and accept myself as I am”, several times a day. It's really nice to do it in front of the mirror.

Live in peace and harmony with yourself and the world!

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